I generally don't talk about Nathan Winograd because he's not a nice person. He defames, attacks and threatens to sue anyone if they don't support him. He's been attacking me for a while. He also plagiarized an article I wrote about wildlife in shelters. He added it to his newsletter and then to his Philadelphia nokill consulting report. I have copies. I will write a little bit about my personal history and involvement with Nathan Winograd to clarify things for people.
I first heard about Nathan Winograd in late 2004 from another rescuer. He said he could make any shelter nokill overnight. He said he's made every shelter he consulted with "nokill" over night. You just have to follow his ten basic programs which he outlined on his old website nokillsolutions.com. That was a California for profit consulting corporation C2673735 filed in 2004 then dissolved address 49 Via Palacio, San Clemente, California.
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Nathan Winograd, No Kill Solutions, corporation, dissolved |
This was his father in law's home which they bought in 2005 for $890K and sold in 2013 for $717K. Nathan Winograd was a consultant and gave seminars to teach others how to make shelters nokill. He sold a newsletter. That's how he made his living. Here is a copy of his old website http://web.archive.org/web/20041204055050/http://www.nokillsolutions.com/home.htm . This all sounded too good to be true but I could find no evidence at that time that he had failed, or succeeded. It was all just Nathan Winograd's word. Below is his brochure which he gave to me.
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Nathan Winograd, No Kill Solutions, corporation, nokillsolutions.com |
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Nathan Winograd, No Kill Solutions, corporation, nokillsolutions.com |
I was campaigning hard for Antonio Villaraigosa for Mayor in Los Angeles, California. I wanted LA to be "nokill." Antonio had a pro-animal campaign platform. He wanted LA to be nokill. Who wouldn't want the city to be "nokill?" I contacted Nathan Winograd and asked if he'd consult for LA if Antonio became Mayor. He said yes. I thought at the time maybe he charges $3,000 to $3,500 so I offered to pay for it. He said he would charge $20K per shelter and he included the annex (a warehouse) as a shelter. He wanted $140K to do approximately a month worth of work. I was like "whoa! I can't afford that. Neither can the City." Nathan then told me that his activists ADL ... would force the city to hire him and give him $140K. Then he said ADL told him that Guerdon Stuckey was going to get a $800K golden handshake. I told him that was not true. He said ADL's people got that inside information. I did an info act request and it turns out ADL was wrong. $800K was a waste management contract. Stuckey got a $50K handshake which was public.
Antonio became the Mayor and I asked Nathan to give him a proper estimate to consult. Nathan told me the Mayor himself must fill out his online form requesting a consultation. I told him someone in his office can do it. He said, no, it must be the Mayor. Here is the form. The incoming Mayor would have no way of knowing any of this information. The GM of Animal Services would but Nathan Winograd said the Mayor "MUST" fill it in personally.
Mayor did not fill out his silly online form because he was swamped. The Mayor did agree to meet him thanks to stupid me and a person in the Mayor's office. Nathan Winograd then submitted a proposal to consult for LA City. I assume it was for a month of work for $140,000 as he quoted me. The Mayor offered Nathan Winograd the GM position of LA Animal Services. That paid $150,000/year at the time. Nathan Winograd declined. I believe he declined because he realized he could never make LA nokill overnight as he promises everyone. Nathan Winograd would also prefer $140,000 for one month worth of work instead of $150,000 for 12 months worth of work. He probably also knew the employees would eat him alive.
Nathan Winograd admitted later that day when he gave a "nokill" presentation at the Beverly Garland Hotel that he was offered the GM position. I was at that presentation in 2005. 99% of the presentation was how animal control enjoys killing animals. He spent 1% of the almost two hour presentation quickly rattling off the basic programs. Nathan Winograd did not invent the programs. They were "invented" many years earlier by others in New York and San Francisco.
Another group told me that Nathan already wrote a free nokill plan for LA City. I said "great! Where is it?" Nathan refused to give it to the city. If someone knew how to make a shelter nokill over night, why wouldn't they want to do that especially if they call themselves an animal lover? I give free consultations for humane wildlife control and how to save wildlife in shelters. I don't charge because I want to save animals. If I had the key to ending euthanasia in shelters, I would gladly give it to the world for free.
Nathan then was upset he didn't get the paid consulting gig. He told me that he took the equity out of his home to start for profit "no kill solutions" and was then forced to sell his home and shut down no kill solutions because he didn't make enough money selling consulting services. He then put his efforts into nonprofit corporation No Kill Law and Advocacy Center C2674760 IRS 20-1648359http://www.guidestar.org/organizations/20-1648359/no-kill-law-advocacy-center.aspx
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Nathan Winograd, No Kill Law & Advocacy Center, |
Before Nathan Winograd shut down No Kill Solutions he did consult for a few cities such as Philadelphia. The failure in Philadelphia was huge. Nathan Winograd wrote a report, got his check, posted the report (I have a copy), said the City, shelter and employees were "committed." Soon after that an expose came out about the horrific conditions in the shelter from overcrowding. The SPCA had to step in and take over. Then Nathan blamed the City, shelter and employees saying they weren't "committed." He threw his client under the bus.
Nathan was hired to do a report for King County. Nathan got his check then posted a scathing public report online with data and photos taken during his private inspection of the shelter. The City had to write a rebuttal to his claims. They didn't get a consulting report with suggestions to make their shelter no kill. They paid money to be attacked.
Nathan consulted with another shelter after this. They asked for a confidentiality agreement after the vicious attack at King County. Consultants should always agree to confidentiality agreements. Nathan said "no" then viciously attacked that shelter and told everyone they wanted a confidentiality agreement which meant they were "evil" and "hiding dirty laundry." That was the last consulting he did as far as I know. If he really could have made a shelter nokill, he would have done it by now and be a multi-millionaire. Obviously he can't.
Nathan Winograd receives $60,000/year from this non-profit. His wife Jennifer is a board member. Nathan admits there is lobbying activity (see Guidestar link above). He spent approximately $200K to make a documentary about his book "Redemption" in the last two years. He has high unspecified "professional services" expenses yet they are not legal or accounting. Most of his income is from donations. Some is from selling tickets to his conference. I believe he is the sole author and owner of his book selling business. I don't think that is part of the non-profit. He now has four books including a Vegan cook book which oddly enough recommends using products with palm oil which is not vegan. He also recommends unhealthy vegan junk food.
His book publisher Almaden Books is actually just Nathan Winograd. His book is self-published. Here are some reviews of his book. I agree with them. His book is a long winded nasty rant against other animal rights, welfare and rescue organizations. He spews nasty misinformation which I feel harms the animal issue. There is pet overpopulation. 99% of the book is Nathan saying that animal shelters enjoy killing animals, there is no pet overpopulation and he alone has made shelters no kill. Only 1% a few pages in the back talk about the no kill programs. I've never seen anyone do this in a book before in my life. He footnotes his personal opinion in his book. He also cites many "personal communications" in his bibliography. Then in the end he admits his wife's parents are supporting them financially. If he could make an animal shelter no kill, he'd be wealthy He can't which is why his business went under.
People should realize that Nathan Winograd is friendly with the Center for Consumer Freedom. CCF is a paid lobby group that promotes alcohol, tobacco, animal research, fur industry, breeders, dairy, meat ranches, leather, anti-union. They are a non-profit that receives "donations" of about $1.4M/year to attack groups such as MADD, PETA, HSUS... They give almost all of that money to a "consultant" who does PR for these industries who happens to be the President of CCF. I believe it's a sham which I have posted about in this blog.
No animal lover should ever have anything to do with CCF. Because Nathan Winograd hates PETA which CCF attacks that is why Nathan is friends with CCF. Nathan Winograd has attacked PETA so viciously that PETA's lawyer had to send him a cease and desist letter. Here is the rest of the letter. http://www.rescuenetwork.org/articles/WinogradLetter.pdf
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PETA cease and desist to Nathan Winograd who lies about PETA. I'll try to find the rest. |
A little history on Nathan Winograd. Nathan Joseph Winograd born August 1, 1966 in Los Angeles County, California. Mother is Dolores Nayer born June 13, 1932. Father is Azriel Winograd born May 15, 1921, became a US citizen in 1964 in California after marrying Dolores in Clark County, Nevada January 31, 1964, divorced October 1970 in Los Angeles, California. 2007 Nathan tried to get a conservatorship on his father and was denied. Nathan is married to Jennifer Holdt born June 17, 1968. They have two kids which they publicly post about on all their websites, pages and most recent books. Jennifer's parents are Terry Holdt and Sharon Holdt. All of these people are public persons who have been in the public spotlight and media deliberately. I'm not sharing and will never share any confidential information.
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Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.
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