Mary Cummins Animal Advocates Los Angeles California Wildlife Rehabilitation Real Estate

Mary Cummins Animal Advocates Los Angeles California Wildlife Rehabilitation Real Estate
Showing posts with label wildlife rehabilitation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wildlife rehabilitation. Show all posts

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Squirrel rescues her babies that fell out of a tree, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates

The winds blew a squirrel nest out of a tall palm tree today. Babies landed in the aloe bush. I heard the babies crying and went to see if they were okay. I looked at one up close and she just had some scratches. I put her back in the bush in a place where she couldn't fall, was safe from animals and mom could find her. Mom came and took back all her babies within minutes. 

A few photos with video below that. Link to video if it doesn't embed properly.

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Google+ Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, wildlife, wild, animal, rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rehabilitator, fish, game, los angeles, california, united states, squirrel, raccoon, fox, skunk, opossum, coyote, bobcat, manual, instructor, speaker, humane, nuisance, control, pest, trap, exclude, deter, green, non-profit, nonprofit, non, profit, ill, injured, orphaned, exhibit, exhibitor, usda, united states department of agriculture, hsus, humane society, peta, ndart, humane academy, humane officer, animal legal defense fund, animal cruelty, investigation, peace officer, animal, cruelty, abuse, neglect #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit

Friday, January 24, 2025

Mary Cummins Attended Wildlife Disease Association 72nd Annual Conference, Animal Advocates

72nd annual wildlife disease association conference December 2024, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, wildlife disease, wildlife rehabilitator, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rescue, los angeles, california, wildlifre

Our founder Mary Cummins attended the 72nd Annual Wildlife Disease Association conference which was held December 2024. Cummins stated "This year's conference was so important especially in light of our recent global zoological disease pandemics which affect all of us. Wildlife health is central to human and environmental health." Link to conference information in first comment per FB algo. #wda #wildlifediseaseassociation #wildlifedisease #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #AnimalAdvocates #marycummins #losangeles #california

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Google+ Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, wildlife, wild, animal, rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rehabilitator, fish, game, los angeles, california, united states, squirrel, raccoon, fox, skunk, opossum, coyote, bobcat, manual, instructor, speaker, humane, nuisance, control, pest, trap, exclude, deter, green, non-profit, nonprofit, non, profit, ill, injured, orphaned, exhibit, exhibitor, usda, united states department of agriculture, hsus, humane society, peta, ndart, humane academy, humane officer, animal legal defense fund, animal cruelty, investigation, peace officer, animal, cruelty, abuse, neglect #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Animal Advocates, Mary Cummins Helping Victims of the Los Angeles Fires

Animal Advocates and Mary Cummins have been helping victims of the January 2025 Los Angeles fires. We were in the Palisades fire evacuation area relocating owned pets that had to evacuate. Some of these people had to evacuate twice because the fire moved. The below pics are from one trip January 14, 2025. 

Sunset west was closed at Kenter two blocks from Vice President Kamala Harris' home. 10 fwy west was closed at Lincoln Blvd. National guard, police, fire department, Dept of Transportation, Red Cross and many more people were helping to secure the area and offer aid. 

Animal rescue groups are not yet allowed into the areas that have been damaged by the fire. The fire department has to inspect each home first to assess damage, check for bodies, turn off gas, turn off electric, turn off water and assess the safety of the structure. Animal groups are also not allowed in the evacuation zones without full permission and police escort. The purpose is to prevent looters and arsonists. It's also not safe in case the wind picks up and the fire moves quickly. The original fire had winds at 100 mph blowing burning embers over a mile. 

Mary Cummins has lived in Los Angeles her entire life. Animal Advocates has experienced many wildfires during that time. Cummins has gone through the FEMA disaster animal response training. Cummins has also worked for HSUS NDART National Disaster Animal Rescue Team. Cummins, Animal Advocates aided EARS in past fires setting up pet evacuation areas. Cummins also cared for wildlife and domestic pets injured by the fires from smoke inhalation, burns, loss of habitat, loss of food and water sources. 

Mary Cummins of Cummins Real Estate is a certified residential licensed appraiser in Los Angeles, California. Mary Cummins is licensed by the California Bureau of Real Estate appraisers and has over 35 years of experience.

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Google+ Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, wildlife, wild, animal, rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rehabilitator, fish, game, los angeles, california, united states, squirrel, raccoon, fox, skunk, opossum, coyote, bobcat, manual, instructor, speaker, humane, nuisance, control, pest, trap, exclude, deter, green, non-profit, nonprofit, non, profit, ill, injured, orphaned, exhibit, exhibitor, usda, united states department of agriculture, hsus, humane society, peta, ndart, humane academy, humane officer, animal legal defense fund, animal cruelty, investigation, peace officer, animal, cruelty, abuse, neglect #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Mimi Cat Rescuing Baby Squirrels Inspires Mary Cummins to Become Wildlife Rehabilitator, Animal Advocates

mary cummins, animal advocates, squirrel rescue, wildlife rehabilitator, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rescue, squirrel, baby squirrel, los angeles, california
mary cummins, animal advocates, squirrel rescue, wildlife rehabilitator, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rescue, squirrel, baby squirrel, los angeles, california 
"Mimi, The Squirrel Savior: A Kind Cat Adopts Two Squirrels And Treats Them As Her Own Babies. "A cat adopting and taking care of two baby squirrels? No, this is not a fairy tale, but a story of a wonderful kitty called Mimi!

Wait, aren't cats known for chasing around small animals and rodents? Yes, they are, but Mimi is here to show the other side of our feline friends that defeats all the stereotypes. Cats are often seen as cold and not especially caring, but Mimi took it upon herself to prove the haters wrong."

This was over 20 years ago back in 2000. Rescuing these two baby squirrels and not being able to easily find a licensed wildlife rehabilitator is what inspired me to become a wildlife rehabilitator. I called rehabbers from San Diego to Santa Barbara. No one picked up the phone. I went on line and learned how to care for them. I finally called now deceased Paula Drake who referred me to Anna Dresdon who took the two baby squirrels. I gave her my tub of formula, food and $20 donation. In hindsight I should have given her more money ;-)

Article: Aria Archer #catschef 

Mimi the cat rescues baby squirrels #AnimalAdvUSA #marycummins #cat #babysquirrel #squirrel #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #wildliferescue #losangeles #california #animaladvocates 

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Google+ Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, wildlife, wild, animal, rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rehabilitator, fish, game, los angeles, california, united states, squirrel, raccoon, fox, skunk, opossum, coyote, bobcat, manual, instructor, speaker, humane, nuisance, control, pest, trap, exclude, deter, green, non-profit, nonprofit, non, profit, ill, injured, orphaned, exhibit, exhibitor, usda, united states department of agriculture, hsus, humane society, peta, ndart, humane academy, humane officer, animal legal defense fund, animal cruelty, investigation, peace officer, animal, cruelty, abuse, neglect #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Marine Mammal Care Center Behind the Scenes by Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates

mary cummins, animal advocates, wildlife rehabilitation, marine mammal care center, los angeles, california, wildlife, wildlife rescue, wildlife rehabilitator
Marine Mammal Care Center Behind the Scenes with Jules Leon and Deanna Bowlin, mary cummins, animal advocates, wildlife rehabilitation, marine mammal care center, los angeles, california, wildlife, wildlife rescue, wildlife rehabilitator

Just attended the online webinar Behind the Scenes at Marine Mammal Care Center. Deanna Bowlin and Jules Leon were the hosts. They showed us three seal pups and an adult female seal in care. They talked about the problems facing marine mammals today and what you can do to help. The video was super choppy. I recommend just watching some of their videos. 

UPDATE: Turns out the horrible choppy quality of the video was just a glitch. Glad to hear that. 

"Thank you for joining the livestream today! We apologize that the quality wasn't ideal and we are working with our vendor and looking at other options to bring you the best experience possible. We will send a special invitation to another livestream event when we have this fixed. 

Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties with our livestream platform, we don't have the recording to rewatch; however, we created this special holiday playtime video just for you in hopes that it makes up for it! "

"We are so excited to announce that registration is now open for our Behind-the-Scenes Livestream happening this Thursday, November 21 at 11:30 am PT. or tap the link in our bio⁠
Have you ever wondered what goes on at a wildlife hospital or how we feed our patients? This is your chance to get an inside look at the Marine Mammal Care Center and watch our adorable patients eat, play, and be 100% cute.⁠"

"Meet our newest patient: POPTART! You'll get to see him on our Behind-the-Scenes livestream happening tomorrow (Thursday) at 11:30 am. You must register to attend at!
❤️ Poptart is a California sea lion pup who was rescued in Malibu and arrived at our hospital on October 23. At the time of his rescue, he was just a few months old – much too young to be separated from his mother. He was clearly emaciated and in need of specialized care. Although he had some gastrointestinal issues for his first few days, he has been eating well recently and successfully shifted from tube-feedings to eating fish on his own. 
🤳🏽 Thanks to everyone who submitted food names for our patient naming contest on social media. After a random selection 🥁🥁🥁 congrats to @rostastny for their name submission!"

#marinemammalcarecenter #mmcc #marinemammalcarecenterlosangeles #ocean #conservation #savetheocean #wildlife #seal #seals #animals #animal #sealion #sealions #savetheseals #elephantseal #elephantseals #animalrehab #savetheplanet #oceanconservation #wildlifeconservation #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehab #wildlifeveterinary #wildlifevet #animalrehabilitation #losangeles #california @marinemammalcare @animaladvocatesusa @mary_cummins #marycummins #animaladvocates #wildliferehabilitation #marinemammals

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Google+ Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, wildlife, wild, animal, rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rehabilitator, fish, game, los angeles, california, united states, squirrel, raccoon, fox, skunk, opossum, coyote, bobcat, manual, instructor, speaker, humane, nuisance, control, pest, trap, exclude, deter, green, non-profit, nonprofit, non, profit, ill, injured, orphaned, exhibit, exhibitor, usda, united states department of agriculture, hsus, humane society, peta, ndart, humane academy, humane officer, animal legal defense fund, animal cruelty, investigation, peace officer, animal, cruelty, abuse, neglect #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit

Friday, June 28, 2024

Recognizing and Understanding Bias for Animal Welfare Professionals , Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates

Recognizing and Understanding Bias for the Animal Welfare Professional was a great class. I learned about the different types of human conscious and unconscious biases. Humans in order to survive have basic instincts and biases. We are fearful and distrusting of things which are new or different from ourselves. The us versus them is a survival mechanism. Our perceptions can change over time based on our experiences. All these things affect how we view the world, others and how we react. The class went into the different types of biases. It then went into how to control our biases in our reactions and behavior so we can treat people and the situation fairly and properly.

There was an interesting class experiment. Instructor told us to close our eyes and imagine we're going on a plane trip to a seminar we're really interested in. We go to the hotel and see a couple in love at the restaurant. We go to the seminar and listen to the presenters speak. Then the instructor told us to open our eyes. He asked us "what did the pilot of the plane look like in your mind? Were they a white man? What color and orientation was the couple? What did the presenters look like?" He showed photos of a female pilot in hijab, a same sex couple and black and disabled speakers. He asked if that was what we imagined? He said these biases are formed based on our experiences in real life, in movies, books... 

From the class description, "Our brains are amazing at making connections, doing work, and making decisions without us ever realizing it. Like when you drive home and realize as you're parking that you don't really remember the drive - yup - your unconscious brain played navigator so you could zone out a bit. However, these unconscious connections and processes can have a lasting effect on how you do your job.

Join us as we discuss different types of bias and how they unconsciously invade your decisions and actions on and off the job.

- Learn to identify 5-8 different bias types
- Understand how bias and cynicism can play off of each other;
- That bias, while often thought of as a negative, is actually an evolutionary necessity that we can earn to identify and work on
- And how to create a shared language around bias so your entire team can work on being more aware of these unconscious traps."

Jace Huggins with San Diego Humane Society was the host. I took my two week Humane Officer training at San Diego Humane Society in 2005.

Below are a few slides. I suggest taking the class because the instructor shares a lot of stories, examples, tests and polls. 

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Google+ Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, wildlife, wild, animal, rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rehabilitator, fish, game, los angeles, california, united states, squirrel, raccoon, fox, skunk, opossum, coyote, bobcat, manual, instructor, speaker, humane, nuisance, control, pest, trap, exclude, deter, green, non-profit, nonprofit, non, profit, ill, injured, orphaned, exhibit, exhibitor, usda, united states department of agriculture, hsus, humane society, peta, ndart, humane academy, humane officer, animal legal defense fund, animal cruelty, investigation, peace officer, animal, cruelty, abuse, neglect #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit

Thursday, June 27, 2024

IWRC - A Big Problem with Little Animals, How Insect Declines Affect Wildlife - Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates

gwen pearson, mary cummins, animal advocates, insects, iwrc, international wildlife rehabilitation council, wildlife rehabilitator, wildlife rehabilitation,insects, entomology, wildlife, xerces, los angeles, california
gwen pearson, mary cummins, animal advocates, insects, iwrc, international wildlife rehabilitation council, wildlife rehabilitator, wildlife rehabilitation,insects, entomology, wildlife, xerces, los angeles, california

IWRC International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council Coffee & Tea: A big problem with little animals: how insect declines may affect wildlife webinar

"A growing pile of research papers document insect declines across the globe. What does this mean for wildlife, as well as humans? We'll look at how deeply embedded insects are in ecosystems, and how declines in insects may harm birds and other wildlife.

Gwen Pearson serves as a Volunteer Ambassador for the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, a non-profit organization focused on conserving invertebrates and their habitat. She has a PhD in entomology, and has worked in zoo and bird sanctuary settings."

Great presentation by entomologist, educator and speaker Dr Gwen Pearson with Xerces Society. Learned a lot about the importance of insects for wildlife, humans and our environment. Dr. Gwen Pearson is a wonderful speaker. You really need to watch her presentation. IWRC recorded it. 

In summary insect populations are down for many reasons. Birds and mammals feed on insects. This causes bird, mammal populations to also be reduced. We must take steps to help the insects. Some of those steps are not using pesticide, getting rid of some of your lawn, planting native plants, don't rake leaves and leave stems on the ground.

Below are a few quick things I learned from the presentation.

General consensus is that one should not don't release captive reared monarchs because of bacteria contamination which ends up spreading into the wild population.

We should plant organic Make sure it's never treated with Neonicotinoid pesticides which stay in the plant forever.

Keeping non-native honey bees is a business. It's not conservation. Honey bees now have diseases which they pass on to native bees.

Most native bees are solitary. 3/4 bees nest in the ground. They only have 12 eggs in their lifetime whereas honey bees can have 1,000.

Lawns are the number one irrigated crop in the US. They're almost all treated with dangerous pesticides.

Bees come out after a few days of a certain temperature. Plants bloom based on daylight hours. They don't always align together so bees may not get enough food especially bees which only feed on certain flowers.

Feeder insects should be treated humanely. They should not be crowded. Must have good healthy varied food with calcium. The insects need calcium for their exoskeleton and other functions. Animals that eat insects also need calcium. @bug_gwen @theiwrc @animaladvocatesusa @mary_cummins #IWRC #internationalwildliferehabilitationcouncil #marycummins #AnimalAdvocates #animaladvocate #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #wildliferehabber #wildlife #wildliferescue

Below are just a few slides from her presentation. You must see her full presentation with all the slides.

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Google+ Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, wildlife, wild, animal, rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rehabilitator, fish, game, los angeles, california, united states, squirrel, raccoon, fox, skunk, opossum, coyote, bobcat, manual, instructor, speaker, humane, nuisance, control, pest, trap, exclude, deter, green, non-profit, nonprofit, non, profit, ill, injured, orphaned, exhibit, exhibitor, usda, united states department of agriculture, hsus, humane society, peta, ndart, humane academy, humane officer, animal legal defense fund, animal cruelty, investigation, peace officer, animal, cruelty, abuse, neglect #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit

Thursday, June 13, 2024

National Pigeon Appreciation Day by Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates

National Pigeon Appreciation Day is celebrated on June 13th to honor pigeons that served in World War I and World War II as messengers and spies, and to challenge the misconception that pigeons are pests and disease-ridden. We've rescued many non-native pigeons including racing, wedding, homing and fancy pigeons. The pigeon sitting on an unfertile egg is Patty Pigeon rescued by Patty Shenker at then Animal Acres which is now Farm Sanctuary in Acton, California. #nationalpigeonappreciationday #pigeon #pigeonlove #pigeonrescue #marycummins #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferhabilitator #wildliferescue #losangeles #california #rockdove #homingpigeon #weddingpigeon #racingpigeon 

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Google+ Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, wildlife, wild, animal, rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rehabilitator, fish, game, los angeles, california, united states, squirrel, raccoon, fox, skunk, opossum, coyote, bobcat, manual, instructor, speaker, humane, nuisance, control, pest, trap, exclude, deter, green, non-profit, nonprofit, non, profit, ill, injured, orphaned, exhibit, exhibitor, usda, united states department of agriculture, hsus, humane society, peta, ndart, humane academy, humane officer, animal legal defense fund, animal cruelty, investigation, peace officer, animal, cruelty, abuse, neglect #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit