Join us as we celebrate "National Hispanic Heritage Month" September 15 to October 15. During this month Americans celebrate the history, culture and contributions of Latino people to our nation. This 2023 year's theme is "Latinos: Driving Prosperity, Power, and Progress in America."
Animal Advocates celebrates Latinos who have helped animals, the environment and wildlife. We celebrate Mexican American Animal Rights Activist Cesar Chavez. Chavez once said, “We need, in a special way, to work twice as hard to help people understand that the animals are fellow creatures, that we must protect them and love them as we love ourselves.”
We celebrate Environment Activist Dolores Huerta. "In the fight to protect American farm workers Huerta exposed the country’s deepening reliance on pesticides and other chemicals that harm people and ecosystems. Her efforts to outlaw harmful pesticides catalyzed the environmental-justice movement."
We celebrate our Latina founder Mary Cummins whose love of wildlife encouraged her to found Animal Advocates over 20 years ago in 2002. Her love of all animals came from her Mexican grandmother Maria Rivera Cummins. We also celebrate the first Latino Fish & Game Commissioner Michael Flores who promoted Latinos enjoyment of the outdoors. We also support
Latino Outdoors who help connect Latinos to the great outdoors and
Green Latinos who work to protect our environment.
Our community of animal lovers support our causes and champion for a better world for wildlife and the planet. One of our causes is to promote much needed diversity in Fish & Wildlife and Wildlife Rehabilitation. We also promote wildlife education in Spanish and English. We borrow the words of Dolores Huerta in saying ”¡Sí, Se Puede!" "Yes, we can!" accomplish these goals.
Of course we celebrate our entire community and animal lovers world wide every day. As we primarily serve Los Angeles, California which is predominantly Latino we honor our Latino community during this special month.
#HispanicHeritageMonth #LatinxHeritageMonth #HerenciaHispana #LatinoHeritageMonth #MesHerenciaHispana #NationalHispanicHeritageMonth #AnimalAdvocates #MaryCummins #Latino #Latinx #CesarChavez #DoloresHuerta #GreenLatinos #LatinosOutdoors #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #wildliferescue #LosAngeles #California #Spanish #SiSePuede @AnimalAdvocatesUSA @MaryCummins
*We use the term "hispanic" because that is the official name of the US heritage month. Other words that can be used are "latino," "latine," "latinx" ... The history of our nation is complex and controversial. The US was inhabited by Native Americans who were conquered and colonized by the Spanish, French, British and USA. September 15 is the day many Latin American countries gained their independence from their colonial occupations. We strive to respect and promote all people.
Mary Cummins of
Animal Advocates is a
wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the
California Department of Fish and Game and the
Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.
Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, wildlife, wild, animal, rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rehabilitator, fish, game, los angeles, california, united states, squirrel, raccoon, fox, skunk, opossum, coyote, bobcat, manual, instructor, speaker, humane, nuisance, control, pest, trap, exclude, deter, green, non-profit, nonprofit, non, profit, ill, injured, orphaned, exhibit, exhibitor, usda, united states department of agriculture, hsus, humane society, peta, ndart, humane academy, humane officer, animal legal defense fund, animal cruelty, investigation, peace officer, animal, cruelty, abuse, neglect #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit