Mary Cummins Animal Advocates Los Angeles California Wildlife Rehabilitation Real Estate

Mary Cummins Animal Advocates Los Angeles California Wildlife Rehabilitation Real Estate
Showing posts with label shelter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shelter. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Ed Boks, Edward Boks "resigned" FIRED from Yavapai Humane effective immediately

ed boks, fired, no confidence, mistakes, lawsuits, sexual harassment, harassment, mary cummins, los angeles, new york, arizona, let go

UPDATE: 03/09/2025 Ed Boks is looking for work so he's attacking other animal control organizations. He's attacking other organizations for doing the exact same things he did! It's mind boggling that he is attacking all these organizations that are juggling the books, refusing animals, dumping pet cats on the streets to improve their "no kill" statistics. These are the same "life saving" programs he said he invented and used in Los Angeles, New York, Arizona and more. He's attacking them so he will be hired to do the exact same thing in the name of "no kill." 

Ed Boks has never made any shelter no kill. All he has done is cause people to sue him repeatedly for harassment, discrimination and more. There are quite a few articles which go into his many lawsuits and bad behavior. I sure hope people Google him before ever considering him for any job. He even got in trouble when he worked at a non animal related business. I worked with him for a while and ended up having to sue him. After the city settled with me he forged a city press release to say HE won! If he would forge a city press release to state the opposite of the truth, he is capable of any illegal and lowlife act. 

11/10/2022 Ed Boks was somehow hired at Bayou Animal Services in 3100 Deats Rd, Dickinson, Texas. He's been there since May 2022. Did they not Google this person? He was fired from last three jobs. He's been sued multiple times and lost or was forced to settle. He lost the lawsuit I filed against him as the city settled on his behalf. On his last day on the job Ed Boks wrote and posted a fake city press release. City ripped it down the second they saw it then changed the codes. Had I seen it I would have sued him instantly for defamation. He was physically locked out of Yavapai premises. He was sued for racial discrimination in New York and lost. He was sued for sexual harassment and lost/was forced to settle. 

Ed Boks lied about improving New York, Arizona and Los Angeles. He lied about raising funds for the Los Angeles animal shelters. That money was raised ten years before he got here. He continues to defame and harass me yet Bayou Animal Services hired him. They clearly did not do their due diligence and will probably be sued when his mistakes, sexual harassment, defamation become public again.

UPDATE: Word is Edward Boks, Ed Boks' exit from Yavapai was rather contentious. Yavapai was smarter than Los Angeles. In LA Ed Boks negotiated two months salary if he left the building immediately. LA forgot to change the door locks and website, blog passwords. Ed Boks on his last day put up a fake LA City press release. Ed Boks also refused to turn over the Dept blog. I made this blog for the city.  Ed Boks deleted all of the many blog posts and hard work by employees. He kept the traffic by using it to refer to his new blog i.e. "LA's top dog." Definitely not "LA's top dog." He doesn't even live in LA.

Lest anyone forget the City Council of Los Angeles made a motion for a vote of no confidence in Ed Boks before he was fired. Link to the city motion in city website.

This motion was made by Councilmember RICHARD ALARCON and Seconded by Councilmembers TONY CARDENAS, BERNARD PARKS, GREIG SMITH, DENNIS ZINE. All councilmembers were for the motion.

Here is a link to a YouTube video where Ed Boks is called out by a Santa Monica City Councilmember about that vote of no confidence. Boks' reply is ridiculous.

Image of the motion.

Ed Boks, Edward Boks vote of no confidence by entire Los Angeles City Council
Anyone who hires Ed Boks for anything related to animals ought to have their head examined. I can't think of a worse person in relation to animals. He doesn't even like animals.

July 23, 2016: More news about Ed Boks' departure from Yavapai Humane. Turns out things ended very, very ugly when Boks was leaving. There may be litigation. He told people he had no job lined up and has nowhere to go. In the meantime Ed Boks did the same thing he did when he was fired from Maricopa, New York and Los Angeles. He doesn't remove his title from his Facebook page. Oddly enough Yavapai instantly removed his name. If you go to this link, it says "page not found."

Being fired from his last few jobs doesn't bother Ed Boks at all. He did the same thing he did when he was booted out of LA Animal Services. He started offering his wonderful consulting services.

Ed Boks begging for work
I think I can help Ed Boks out with some "examples of what I can do." Scroll below and you can see the many lawsuits caused by Ed Boks. Every shelter was sued because of Ed Boks' actions. The shelters LOST the lawsuits. When the city wanted to settle with me I told them I didn't want the money from them. I wanted it only from Ed Boks as the suit was caused by his behavior. They got back to me that he had no money. If I was to get any settlement, the city would have to pay the entire amount and they did.

I think I may have found out why he was fired, resigned. He got a DUI while working for Yavapai. He just got another traffic ticket for speeding. Knowing Boks he was probably in the city car both times. He got in an accident with the city car here in LA, was sued and lost. Here is info on the very recent Arizona case. Boks may have been on probation for the DUI. Maybe this was a probation violation? Just read it more carefully. Ed Boks will be arraigned tomorrow 07/20/2016. Maybe he will be sentenced to jail tomorrow?

I just read his old DUI a little better. He was over .08 at .13, may have also been on drugs. He was driving on the wrong side of the road. That is super drunk. They sent him to jail for that. The Judge warned Boks about being a repeat offender. Judge said the charges will be harsher next time. His probation was 11 months. I think it's been over 11 months so maybe not probation violation but repeat offender. Here is link to last case.,EDWARD_ALBERT&DKT=2013090073C&REP=3140&TOT=1

Edward Boks, Ed Boks criminal record, DUI, DWI, traffic accident, fired, resigned, Yavapai Humane
Here is the current case. I searched here. His birthdate is August 1951. Search Edward Boks. It says "Cal: Arraignment." I take that to read calendar arraignment.

Case Number:M-1347-TR-20161494
Court:Prescott Valley MunicipalFiling Date:6/21/2016
Judge:NoneDisposition Date:7/8/2016
EDWARD ALBERT BOKS    DEFENDANT  -  D 1Date of Birth: 08/1951
CitationCountDescriptionDisp. DateDisposition
Case Activity
7/8/2016FUND: BASE FINED 1
7/8/2016GLTY/RSPN. FINE PD. CODE 12D 1
7/8/2016FUND: COURT ENH FEE 83%D 1
7/8/2016FUND: 2012 SURCHARGES (83%)D 1

Here is/was Ed Boks' mugshot. It is his booking photo.

Edward Boks, Ed Boks mugshot

Ed Boks, Edward Boks resigned or was most likely fired from Yavapai Humane effective immediately. Ed Boks resigned/was fired from Maricopa Animal Control in 2003. Ed Boks resigned/was fired from New York Animal Control 2005. Ed Boks resigned/was fired from Los Angeles Animal Services in 2009.

Here is his goodbye column. Every time he leaves a shelter he writes the same ridiculous article.

I'm posting this so another animal shelter doesn't make the mistake of hiring him. Ed Boks here negotiates his resignations so he can get a job somewhere else. He was so hated at Yavapai Humane that they were willing to state he resigned instead of firing him just to get rid of him. He did the same at Los Angeles, New York and Maricopa. Ed Boks threatened to sue the city if they fired him even though they had cause.

Yavapai Humane did not bother to check out Ed Boks' history before they made the big mistake of hiring him. Ed Boks told them HE raised the $150,000,000 to build the new animal shelters in LA. The Prop F fund raised the 150 million. Ed Boks had nothing to do with the new shelters which were planned over ten years before he arrived in Los Angeles. Ed Boks was hired a few weeks before one opened yet he took credit for it.

When the city settled with me Ed Boks had the audacity to forge a city press release. I was told it was on the city site for less than half an hour. The city took it down. Ed Boks posted it his last day on the job. His last two months on the job were at home. He illegally accessed the city computers to post the fake press release. The blog entry is below.

Below are a few articles written about the many troubles of Ed Boks.

2009 Sued for racial discrimination. Judge found Ed Boks did racially discriminate against a black employee.

Mary Cummins sues Ed Boks. Yes, this is my lawsuit against him. What Ed Boks actually did was much worse.

2009 Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa fires Ed Boks. Ed Boks begs to resign.

Ed Boks another DUI

Ed Boks fails in Los Angeles

More of Ed Boks' failures

Ed Boks Wikipedia page removed

Ed Boks' false shelter statistics

Ed Boks' failure in Los Angeles

Ed Boks about to be fired in Los Angeles

Mayor accepted bribe in exchange for hiring Ed Boks

Petition people at Yavapai made to get Ed Boks fired

Ed Boks was sued for unlawful termination. I was told the city spent $285,000 in legal fees fighting the case. Ed Boks and Yavapai Humane's attorney partially settled the case for money. The complaint is linked in there. Wherever Ed Boks has worked he manages to get sued.

Ed Boks, Edward Boks faked an official LA City press release. He tried to get a job as shelter director in Bellingham, Washington after he was fired from Los Angeles. One of them was wise enough to Google his name and saw my lawsuit against him which I won. They asked him to explain. He then said my lawsuit was "frivolous." He then gave them this fake, forged, fraudulent press release dated the last day he was on the job. See the image below. They of course gave the press release to me.

Ed Boks, Edward Boks fakes an official LA City press release - fraud, forgery
The official press release which was released that day is on the left. See the LA Animal Services logo and the seal of the City of Los Angeles? See the phone number, address, weblink? Notice the one of the right is missing all of that. Also note the phone number is Ed Boks cell phone number. He wants you to verify his fake press release with him. His fake press release is 100% totally false! I went over every sentence and statement proving it was totally false in writing to the shelter. They did not hire Ed Boks. If Ed Boks and his wife Adele Langdon were not totally broke, I would have sued them. Alas they are penniless.

Ed Boks' stories get even more grandiose! He applied for a job with Yavapai Humane. He told them that HE got the $150,000,000 bond for new animal shelters in LA. I was on the Prop F Committee. He had NOTHING to do with this.

He said he designed, constructed, raised the $150,000,000 himself and opened them in 2006. The bond was promoted by Don Knapp the GM from over ten years earlier. He and many others including the fire department got it approved. Since then Jerry Greenwalt, Guerdon Stuckey worked on approving the plans and constructing the shelters. Ed Boks just happened to be on the job two weeks before the first shelter opened.

Ed Boks told Yavapai that he raised $150,000,000 for LA. He said if they hired him, he could raise millions for them. If he could, it would cover his salary. Makes sense? No, he of course lied. The board believed him and hired him even though others warned them.

Since then Ed Boks has done a shit job of again juggling animals, numbers, getting sued and losing. Now he has defamed me (thank god as the GM of Yavapai Humane) and they will have to pay again. They just lost a lawsuit against him recently."
Below is a cease and desist I had to send again to Yavapai Humane. Ed Boks posted the identical thing in his Facebook page. After I sent the first cease they forced Ed Boks to remove it. Then he just posted it again. Ed Boks faked an LA City press release. How pathological can one get?
From: Mary Cummins <mm*****>
Date: May 11, 2014 1:55:30 PM PDT
Subject: Second Cease and Desist Ed Boks Yavapai Humane Society

Ed Boks posting as the GM of Yavapai Humane has again defamed and libeled me. He posted his forged and faked City press release again. Below is an image capture of the post he made yesterday.

You will see that it the same fake, forged City press release he previously made. He forged a City document.  The City told me in writing they did not write that. They did not post that. That is not their letterhead or phone number. They had already FIRED Boks. He wrote this forged release the last day he was on the job before they booted him out the door. The below link proves this.

In fact Boks threatened to sue the City if they did not state "Boks is done with his work here. Thanks." He hired his own lawyer in those proceedings. Boks wanted me to sign a gag order but I refused. 

Ed Boks is posting even worse items about me on Facebook calling me a criminal who commits animal cruelty. What he posted is completely untrue.

Farther below is this older email I sent to you which discusses my case. I sued for sexual harassment. As soon as the City saw all of his drunk, revolting, inappropriate emails and his written admissions of guilt, they offered to settle and they did. I got $130,000. 

Please, force your GM to remove his libelous post. He is posting as the GM of Yavapai. If not, I will have to file a complaint. All of my Facebook friends emailed me what he posted. Thanks.

Mary Cummins
Animal Advocates"
I found a copy of my first cease and desist. He really makes up some huge lies. Ed Boks currently is friends with and supports people who commit animal cruelty.

Here are some of Edward Boks' lawsuits just in Los Angeles County. It appears Ed Boks and the city of LA were sued for a car accident caused by Ed Boks. Looks like they lost. The restraining order was from Cherylynn Costner an animal rescuer against Ed Boks.

BOKS EDWARD A.(GENERAL MGR. OF ANIMALWrit - Administrative Mandamus (Unlimited)03/12/2009Governor George Deukmejian Courthouse
BOKS EDWARD A.Writ - Administrative Mandamus (Unlimited)04/18/2008Stanley Mosk Courthouse3
BOKS EDWARD ALBERTAUTO (Limited)01/29/2008Stanley Mosk Courthouse
BOKS EDWARDWrongful Termination (Unlimited)07/20/2007Stanley Mosk Courthouse42
BOKS EDWARDWrit - Administrative Mandamus (Unlimited)11/20/2006Santa Monica Courthouse
BOKS EDWARDInjunct Relief-not Dom/Harrassmt (Unlimited)11/25/2008Stanley Mosk Courthouse19
BOKS EDWARDWrit - Administrative Mandamus (Unlimited)12/23/2008Stanley Mosk Courthouse14
BOKS EDWARDCivil Harassment (Unlimited)11/25/2008Stanley Mosk Courthouse

Here is the auto accident case. Ed Boks used to get drunk and drive the city car drunk. This was also right before he was fired.

Case Number:  08K02099

Court:   Stanley Mosk Courthouse
Filing Date:  01/29/2008
Case Type:  AUTO (Limited Jurisdiction)
Status:  Disposed

Future Hearings

History Information




More lawsuits in Arizona

J-0303-TR-20000029EDWARD ALBERT BOKSDEFENDANT08/1951SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85257Fredonia Justice
M-1347-TR-20161494EDWARD ALBERT BOKSDEFENDANT08/1951PRESCOTT, AZ 86301Prescott Valley Municipal
Ed Boks DUI in Arizona

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Google+ Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, wildlife, wild, animal, rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rehabilitator, fish, game, los angeles, california, united states, squirrel, raccoon, fox, skunk, opossum, coyote, bobcat, manual, instructor, speaker, humane, nuisance, control, pest, trap, exclude, deter, green, non-profit, nonprofit, non, profit, ill, injured, orphaned, exhibit, exhibitor, usda, united states department of agriculture, hsus, humane society, peta, ndart, humane academy, humane officer, animal legal defense fund, animal cruelty, investigation, peace officer, animal, cruelty, abuse, neglect #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How to properly deal with bears in California - Animal Advocates, Mary Cummins

Bears Follow their Noses, so You Should Follow these Tips

Black bear by water
A California black bear
With an estimated 35,000 bears, California has a healthy and growing black bear population. In spring hibernating bears emerge from their winter slumber and begin an almost perpetual search for food. It is not uncommon for a black bear to consume up to 20,000 calories a day. Unfortunately, this search can sometimes lead bears into populated areas and conflicts with humans.
“A bear’s nose is seven times better than a hound dog’s, and it will lead a bear to anything that is edible or smelly,” said Marc Kenyon, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (CDFW) human-wildlife conflict expert. “Bears can smell meat drippings on your barbecue, dog food on your porch and candy in your sleeping bag. So if you live near or visit bear habitat, for your safety and the well-being of the bear, always keep your food and trash properly secured.”
Once a bear finds an easy food source, it will return again and again to the same location, and if that food source is a neighborhood or campground, the consequences are not going to be pleasant. Not only can bears get sick from ingesting trash, they can also become dangerous as they begin to associate humans with food.
Bears that become habituated to human sources of food must be killed. Relocating habituated bears does not work. The bears ultimately return to the same neighborhood or another populated area and continue their bad habits — scavenging through trash cans, breaking into homes and even attacking domestic animals.
Although there have been no documented human fatalities from black bears in the state’s history, attacks have occurred. In order to keep bears in the wild and people safe, CDFW provides the following Bear Aware tips for people living in or visiting bear country:
For residents:
  • Purchase and properly use a bear-proof garbage container.
  • Wait to put trash out until the morning of collection day.
  • Don’t leave trash, groceries or animal feed in your car.
  • Keep garbage cans clean and deodorize them with bleach or ammonia.
  • Keep barbecue grills clean and stored in a garage or shed when not in use.
  • Avoid using birdfeeders.
  • Don’t leave any scented products outside, including non-food items like suntan lotion and candles.
  • Keep doors and windows closed and locked.
  • Consider installing motion-detector alarms and/or electric fencing.
  • Keep livestock in secure enclosures.
  • Harvest fruit off trees as soon as it is ripe, and promptly collect fruit that falls.
  • Securely block access to potential hibernation sites such as crawl spaces under decks and buildings.
For campers and hikers: 
  • Use bear-proof trash cans whenever possible or store your garbage in a secure location with your food.
  • Store anything smelly including food, pet food and toiletries in bear-proof containers or in an airtight container in the trunk of your vehicle.
  • Clean dishes and store food and garbage immediately after meals.
  • Clean your barbecue grill after each use.
  • Never keep food, toiletries or anything with a scent in your tent.
  • Never intentionally feed bears in order to attract them for viewing.
  • When hiking make noise to prevent surprising a bear. Clap, sing or talk loudly.
  • Travel in a group if possible.
  • Pay attention to the surroundings and watch for bear signs, such as tracks or claw or bite marks on trees.
  • Keep dogs on a leash.
  • If you see a bear, do not approach it. Make sure it has an escape route.
  • If you encounter a bear in the wild, back away slowly. Do not run. Raise your arms to look larger and speak in a calm, loud voice. Do not turn your back.

Media Contact:  
Carol Singleton, CDFW Communications, (916) 322-8962

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Google+ Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, wildlife, wild, animal, rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rehabilitator, fish, game, los angeles, california, united states, squirrel, raccoon, fox, skunk, opossum, coyote, bobcat, manual, instructor, speaker, humane, nuisance, control, pest, trap, exclude, deter, green, non-profit, nonprofit, non, profit, ill, injured, orphaned, exhibit, exhibitor, usda, united states department of agriculture, hsus, humane society, peta, ndart, humane academy, humane officer, animal legal defense fund, animal cruelty, investigation, peace officer, animal, cruelty, abuse, neglect #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Nathan Winograd the misinformation machine. No Kill Advocacy, book Redemption

Nathan Winograd, No Kill Advocacy, book Redemption, All American Vegan, PETA, HSUS, ASPCA, Best Friends, SFSPCA, Tompkins SPCA
Here are some lies Nathan Winograd likes to tell about PETA. Notice, 99% of everything Nathan says is "HSUS, PETA, ASPCA are evil!!!. They enjoy killing animals. They want to kill all animals. They kill animals they get their hands on." This is of course false. He spends 99% of the time ONLY attacking other groups instead of trying to end pet euthanasia. Nathan Winograd does this so people will give him money, buy his books, pay for his seminars, watch his movie... Nathan Winograd attacks these groups for money. He's also very jealous that they are large, successful groups who are positively lobbying for animals while he can't make a living.

Below are just a few of the many lies he says about PETA. PETA's responses are also shared by HSUS, ASPCA, Best Friends and other main stream group. Nathan Winograd attacks, harasses, stalks, defames everyone in his blog here while claiming he has freedom of speech . What's ironic is he threatens to sue anyone who merely disagrees with him. He has freedom of speech but they don't. If they are public figures, then so is Nathan. He still cannot intentionally make up lies about them yet he does.

1. PETA wants to kill all pitbulls. NOT TRUE.

Here is PETA's response.

2. PETA kills all cats, dogs, pets. NOT TRUE.

Here is PETA's response.

3. PETA wants all cats killed. NOT TRUE.

Here is PETA's response.

4. PETA is against saving shelter animals and want them all killed. NOT TRUE.

Here is PETA's response.

5. Why Nathan Winograd attacks PETA.

Here is PETA's response.

6. Nathan Winograd says there is no pet overpopulation. Wrong.

Here is PeTA's response.

I have known Nathan Winograd since 2005. I have known him to be a nasty, pathological liar, plagiarist and someone who is willing to work with ADL and ALF to terrorize government officials. He bragged to me in email that he will get "his" activists, i.e. ADL, ALF, to force the then Mayor of Los Angeles Antonio Villaraigosa to hire him for a month for $20K/shelter. We had six shelters and an annex at that time. Yes,  he wanted $140,000 for a month of work.

Nathan Winograd admitted he was offered the GM position at Los Angeles for $155K/yr but he said no. He only wanted to consult. Why? If he could make any shelter nokill over night like he says, why wouldn't he want to make LA nokill and show the world what he can do? Because he has not and cannot make any shelter nokill. He likes to just criticize a shelter then when they are still euthanizing animals he attacks and blames them for their failure. If I could show, tell LA how to be nokill, I would do it for free. Who would not want to save all the animals? Nathan Winograd knows he cannot make a shelter nokill. That's why he lies about his "accomplishments" all the time.

I've written and reposted a  few blogs about Nathan Winograd in this blog. Some articles I wrote years ago and just reposted here. Go to top left and search his last name. I posted his entire history with dates so you can see that he does not tell the truth. He says he was the "Director" of SFSPCA. He was the director for nine days, quit, breached his contract and was fired. Nathan Winograd does not work well with others. That's why he works for himself and basically has been living off his wife's parents. He admitted to me again in email that he mortgaged his home in 2005 or so then was forced to sell it because he couldn't make any money consulting. All he does is write and talk. That's it.

I will end this post with a link to a 100% honest article written about a seminar he gave at the LA Bar Association. I was at this meeting along with some lawyers, city employees, rescuers I know. This did indeed happen. Nathan Winograd said all of these false and outrageous things. He says the exact same things in his book word for word, i.e. cats are more likely to get rabies from us than we are from them, should we get rid of all windows to save birds, should we protect worms from birds, wildlife groups Audubon, ABC...are just like Hitler and the Nazi's, all researchers in the entire world are liars, outdoor cats are good for the environment and wildlife... Nathan Winograd lost this lawsuit.

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Google+ Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, wildlife, wild, animal, rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rehabilitator, fish, game, los angeles, california, united states, squirrel, raccoon, fox, skunk, opossum, coyote, bobcat, manual, instructor, speaker, humane, nuisance, control, pest, trap, exclude, deter, green, non-profit, nonprofit, non, profit, ill, injured, orphaned, exhibit, exhibitor, usda, united states department of agriculture, hsus, humane society, peta, ndart, humane academy, humane officer, animal legal defense fund, animal cruelty, investigation, peace officer, animal, cruelty, abuse, neglect #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Dog "Harley" dumped at shelter will not be reunited with unfit lying owners. Leave No Paws Behind.

UPDATE: Dog "Harley" dumped at shelter to be reunited with unfit lying owners.
Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, Leave No Paws Behind, rescue, Harley, Otto

UPDATE 03/17/2014: Good news! Toby of Leave No Paws Behind rescue has just agreed an hour ago not to give the dog back to the owners. Toby stated that she doesn't feel the traveling lifestyle would be good for Otto because of his age and health.

"All of that being said, and with Otto's best interest at heart, he will be remaining right here in our care and his humans agree."

In the meantime Christopher Gonzales took down his website and his church's Facebook group. I'm sure it's because that is where I found all the photos, videos and evidence which proves they are not sick, disabled, poor seniors who couldn't afford vet care. Toby is the one who released their names and profession to the public. She should not be mad at us for doing research and posting facts.

I just saw the original KTLA video with the phone conversation with Chris Gonzales. He lied about needing tires to try to garner sympathy and donations. Whenever he has car problems he posts on his page that he is praying for an "answer from God." Then one of his followers will PayPal him money then he thanks God for answering his prayer.


Original article,

Earlier I posted about the dog that was left outside the Baldwin Park, California animal shelter with a sad note. The note said the dog was 13 years old, vomiting and had bloody diarrhea. The owners said they were elderly, sick and couldn't afford to take the dog to the vet or have him euthanized. They allowed him to have mange for three years and be almost bald. They asked the shelter to euthanize him. Instead the shelter called "Leave No Paws Behind" animal rescue. They took the dog to the vet and treated it. Then they decided to try to find the owner. I wrote the blog entry to help. Friends of the owners saw the dog in media articles and came forward.

Here is an article that brings you up to date. When the owners saw that people wanted to give them money they gladly came forward to claim it giving news reporters their PayPal email. The rescue group said they will give them back their dog when it's healthy. They will pay for the dogs veterinary care.

When I first read the note and saw the photo of the dog on Facebook I felt sorry for the dog and owners. The owners said they were both seniors, sick and poor. They said the dog was sick. Turns out that is not the case. We have ourselves some liars and con artists. Please, donate to Leave No Paws Behind because they do wonderful work but don't give anything to the owners of the dog. Do not PayPal them a penny. This is what I've found about them so far.

They are not senior citizens. They are not disabled. They are not poor. They are traveling ministers who give little talks then beg for money. They are not a legal church, corporation or non-profit. They make $60,000/year which they admitted to Manta. Manta gets the data from the owner of the business. The dog only had mites. He didn't have bloody diarrhea or vomiting. They left his mites untreated for three years. It's also a crime to dump an animal. They left it outside where anyone could have taken it and used it as dog fighting bait. California Codes. Penal Code. Part 1. Of Crimes and Punishments. Title 14. Malicious Mischief. § 597s. Abandonment of animals (a) Every person who willfully abandons any animal is guilty of a misdemeanor. Anyone who abandons an animal is subject to a $500 fine and/or up to six months in jail. Animal neglect is also a crime. Not providing veterinary care is animal neglect which is covered under 597.

Christine Klaas Gonzales, Christopher R Gonzales, Preachers, con artists, scammers, liars, In Accord Ministries

Christopher R Gonzales, born about 1952 (Toby posted his age), has lived in San Pedro, CA, Canoga Park, CA, Goodyear, AZ, Santa Fe Springs, CA. Married Christine Klaas October 12, 1974 in Fresno (Chris posted the year he was married), CA. Christine born about 1955 (Toby posted her age).  They have a daughter named Kirstie Elizabeth Gonzales (Chris posted this) who married x and x. She was born in Los Angeles, CA. She is an insurance agent in Victoria, Texas, previously lived in Albuquerque, NM as per her public pages. Here is her Facebook page
Her MySpace page

(FTR Christopher Gonzales is the one who posted his daughter and grandson's full name. It's in his bio that he hands out every time he goes somewhere to preach and beg for money. The rescue is the one who gave the public the full names and profession of Christopher Gonzales and his wife Christine Gonzales. I'm not posting private or confidential information.)

Sweetwind Ministries is not a legal non-profit or corporation in CA or AZ.
In Accord Ministries is not a legal non-profit or corporation in CA or AZ.

Christopher Gonzales supposedly told Toby that his church is covered under another legal church organization. He would not tell anyone the name of that organization. I personally don't believe him because he lies so much.

Chris Gonzales is not a PhD. He cannot call himself a doctor. He cannot use "Dr." in his name because it's a supposedly honorary degree, i.e. he didn't do anything to get it. In fact this honorary degree may not even exist. Even though he's not a PhD, he calls himself "Dr. Chris Gonzales." Even in his Twitter account he calls himself a Dr. He mainly talks about watching TV, food and driving.

Chris Gonzales, not a Doctor, public Twitter profile, In Accord Ministries
Video of Chris Gonzales. He's one of those faith healers that puts his hands on people and then everyone shakes like someone having a seizure. He likes to spit out mumbo jumbo made up words while doing so. He preys and prays on poor people who are sick who want him to bless and heal them. He obviously doesn't have the power to heal anyone. He invites people to meetings at Sizzler or the Old Country Buffet restaurants. People pay for their food, listen to him talk then he asks for money. He calls it a "love offering."  Toby now says the wife is on disability.

Chris made his videos below private. That's okay. I saved them. This clip directly below is made up of a few tiny clips of one short video. It is used for non-profit comment and education under the fair use of copyright act. Here Chris talks in tongues. Yes, he's saying jibberish. These people ask him to lay his hands on them and pray for health and wealth for them. If he had the power to pray for health or wealth....?

Chris has removed his videos, pages and podcasts. I saved copies.

Christopher Gonzales, In Accord Ministries, Sweetwind Ministries, dog, Harley

Christopher Gonzales, In Accord Ministries, Sweetwind Ministries, dog, Harley, Christine Klaas Gonzales

Christopher Gonzales, In Accord Ministries, Sweetwind Ministries, dog, Harley, Christine Klaas Gonzales

Christopher Gonzales, In Accord Ministries, Sweetwind Ministries, dog, Harley, Christine Klaas Gonzales. They can afford designer glasses, jewelry, Hawaiian clothing, manicures but can't take their dog to the vet. 
Christopher Gonzales, In Accord Ministries, Sweetwind Ministries, dog, Harley, Christine Klaas Gonzales. He calls himself a doctor when he is not a doctor. It's a sin to lie. He wrote that about himself. 
Christopher Gonzales, In Accord Ministries, Sweetwind Ministries, dog, Harley, Christine Klaas Gonzales. He can afford an XXXXL leather jacket, designer glasses but wouldn't take his dog to the vet.
Christopher Gonzales, In Accord Ministries, Sweetwind Ministries, dog, Harley, Christine Klaas Gonzales. He lies and calls himself a doctor. Lying is a sin.
I generally don't care about anyone's weight except my own. In this instance I will say something. Christopher Gonzales is morbidly obese. If he has any health problems, they are most likely caused by being so obese. Chris Gonzales likes to thump the bible and quote scripture. While I'm Catholic and don't currently go to church I did go to Catholic school for many years. Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins. It is to consume to the point of waste. Lust is also a sin. Chris lusts for food and money based on his Facebook page. Chris Gonzales lied which is yet another sin. He is not a doctor yet tells people he is. He also lied in the note he left with his dog. The bible tells us that God created animals. The bible also tells us that we must treat His animals well. If we neglect animals, we are neglecting God. As a supposedly religious man how can he commit so much sin? I believe it's because he's a fraud, a charlatan.

I emailed this blog entry to Chris Gonzales at all his email addresses asking for comment. No reply. The emails did go through. I did not call him or threaten him or his family ever. I have no intention of doing so.

I see no photos of Chris or Christine with this dog online. If he was with then for 13 years going everywhere with them, why are there no photos? There are a ton of photos of Chris. If he loved this dog, there would be photos of him with the dog all over. I noticed that Christine doesn't have a Facebook page, does not talk in any of the videos. I have a feeling this may have been her dog. Chris might have gotten sick of it and told her to dump it. She sounded sorry in the interview. Again, why no photos of Christine with the dog? I think Chris probably did not like the dog, might have been jealous.

After I posted the truth about Chris Gonzales I have been personally attacked in retaliation. Every word here is 100% the truth backed by facts and evidence. Most of it came from Chris Gonzales' website or Facebook pages.

Audio of a sermon of Chris Gonzales

Their website which they just deleted

One of his Facebook pages

Their Facebook page for his church which he just deleted

Toby removed most of the posts about Harley/Otto from her page.

Address, phone
P.O. BOX 2505
(310) 364-4320
(310) 351-0654

Proof that Chris wrote the note. Below is a still from Chris Gonzales praying for someone and speaking in tongues. You see a small blue spiral notebook next to his bible.
Chris Gonzales, dog, Harley, in accord ministries, preacher, fraud

This is the note left with the dog. It's from the same spiral notebook.
Christopher Gonzales, In Accord Ministries, preacher, dog, Harley, Otto

You can see that the blue book is a small spiral notebook with 70 pages
Christopher Gonzales, In Accord Ministries, fraud, con, scam, Harley, Otto, dog
A 13-year-old dachshund left outside an animal shelter with a note asking that he be put to sleep because his elderly owners could no longer afford to care for him was expected to be reunited with the couple soon.

Quoted KTLA article in part, "Otto, aka Harley, was to be reunited with his owners March 28. (Credit: KTLA)
The dog, named “Harley” by rescuers, was found tied to a basket outside the Baldwin Park Animal Shelter on March 6, according to Toby Wisneski, CEO and founder of Leave No Paws Behind.

Attached to Harley was a note explaining that he had gotten sick, was vomiting and had bloody stools.

“We are both seniors, sick with no money. We cannot pay for vet bills, or to put him to sleep. He has never been away from us in all those years, he cannot function without us, please put him to sleep,” stated the note, which ended without identifying the owners.

Wisneski received a call from the shelter and took the dog in knowing if she didn’t he would be put to sleep.

After receiving medical care at the East Valley Veterinary Clinic, doctor’s told Wisneski that Harley was going to be OK and had a couple of years left in him.

A photograph of the note left with Otto outside an animal shelter.
Determined to reunite Harley with his owners, Wisneski tracked down the couple and found out Harley’s real name is Otto Wolfgang Maximus.

“We just are living week to week,” one of the owners, who wished to remain anonymous, said in a phone interview. “We can’t even go to the hospital to get our treatment.”

The couple was informed that Leave No Paws Behind — described on their Facebook page as a nonprofit, foster-based rescue — would cover Otto’s healthcare and food costs for the rest of his life.

“We thought he was dead, but he lives,” said the owner on the phone. “He’s being well taken care of and, boy, we’re just so extremely grateful.”

The couple was expected to be reunited with Otto when they return to the area on March 28."

Mary Cummins of Animal AdMary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Google+ Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, wildlife, wild, animal, rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rehabilitator, fish, game, los angeles, california, united states, squirrel, raccoon, fox, skunk, opossum, coyote, bobcat, manual, instructor, speaker, humane, nuisance, control, pest, trap, exclude, deter, green, non-profit, nonprofit, non, profit, ill, injured, orphaned, exhibit, exhibitor, usda, united states department of agriculture, hsus, humane society, peta, ndart, humane academy, humane officer, animal legal defense fund, animal cruelty, investigation, peace officer, animal, cruelty, abuse, neglect #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit