Mary Cummins Animal Advocates Los Angeles California Wildlife Rehabilitation Real Estate

Mary Cummins Animal Advocates Los Angeles California Wildlife Rehabilitation Real Estate

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Founders of vegan restaurants "Cafe Gratitude," "Gracias Madre" now sell meat - Matthew Terces Engelhart, Kiss the Earth

(Photo of meat raised by the Engelharts "Be Love Farm," Matthew Engelhart, Terces Engelhart, Cafe Gratitude, Gracias Madre, vegan, vegetarian, restaurant, venice, los angeles, west hollywood, california, be love farms, vacaville, california, allan savory, brainwash, cruelty, Gates Ranch Meat Company, 

UPDATE: 04/23/2024 Now Sage is a full meat restaurant under the disguise of a "regenerative" restaurant. Again, the stomp the earth theory has been debunked as pure quackery. These people were fake vegans back in the day just looking to make a buck. When their restaurants failed because of employment violations and poor business decisions they decided to get into the meat, dairy, egg business. That's like someone who rescues human babies suddenly becoming a baby abuser, rapist, torturer and murderer. (Cows are impregnated by force.) It shows you these people's true colors, green for money. 

"thekindsage: We’re excited to announce the evolution of Sage into LA’s First Regenerative Restaurant supporting Regenerative and Organic Farms who are at the forefront of the regenerative agriculture movement to bring life back into the soil and heal the earth.

Our new menu will offer regenerative protein and grain from our new partners @forceofnaturemeats, @roamranch, @vitalfarms, @thebigbluffranch, @stemplecreek, @origin_milk, @oatmanfarms and more. We will also have exciting new plant-based dishes made with local organic produce. 🌱

Join us to enjoy your favorite classic dishes for the next month and come try our new menu in June. Thank you for continuing to support local farmers and soil health."

Article about the change and reaction from public.

01/16/2022 The Engelhart's are behind the film "Kiss The Earth." The film promotes renown UK nut Allen Savory's insane theory of "stomping the earth." Engelhart is in this for money just like he got into veganism for money. They are promoting this false theory of "regenerative agriculture" which is just animal agriculture. Plant based will save animals, humans and our environment. 

This article shows again why Engelhart's "Kiss The Earth" movie and theory makes no sense.

11/07/2016 "Sage Vegan Bistro" is now called "Sage Plant Based Bistro" though they still use the same domain name. The KindKreme business failed. They closed their stand alone location. They now only sell the ice cream in Sage restaurants. Cafe Gratitude is also only "plant based." They are still promoting the fake soil story. Scientists have debunked the theory as fraud. The Engelharts are promoting it to make money.

Someone is opening up a small "Gratitude" cafe in the 400 block of Canon in BH.

Entity Number 201622310226
Date of Incorporation 03 Aug 2016
Entity Status ACTIVE
Jurisdiction DELAWARE
Entity Address 8733 SUNSET BLVD STE 205
Entity Zip code WEST HOLLYWOOD CA 90069

A liquor license is pending. I assume they aren't putting it in the name of the Engelharts with all their problems with liquor licenses, restaurant permits, bad inspection reports.

BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210-4819   8733 SUNSET BLVD, STE 205

License Number: 575980
ABC Office of Application: 04 - LA/METRO
Business Name
Doing Business As: CAFE GRATITUDE
Business Address
Address: 419 N CANON DR      Census Tract: 7008.01
State: CA     Zip Code: 90210
Licensee Information
     Company Information
License Types
   1) License Type: 47 - ON-SALE GENERAL EATING PLACE
          License Type Status: PENDING
          Status Date: 01-NOV-2016               Term: 12 Month(s)
          Original Issue Date:               Expiration Date:
          Master: Y               Duplicate: 0               Fee Code: P20
          License Type was Transferred On:      FROM: 47-554461
Current Disciplinary Action
. . . No Active Disciplinary Action found . . .
Disciplinary History
. . . No Disciplinary History found . . .
Hold Information
Hold Date: 08-JUN-2016           Type: BOARD OF EQUALIZATION HOLD
Hold Date: 01-NOV-2016           Type: FORM 220

They bought this liquor license from Carla and Michael Torres. It's pending, on hold. The Engelharts company seems to be controlling things. Now that their name is mud they only use corporate names to hold assets.


It seems the Sage Food Truck owned by Mollie Engelhart sells milk and eggs in food for breakfast from the truck at non-vegan events. They are at Stagecoach this weekend with their food truck. Mollie thinks this is fine as she owns the truck. They still don't get that when you call yourself "Sage Vegan Bistro" you should actually only sell vegan food.

Sage Vegan Bistro, Sage Vegan Food Truck not vegan, sells milk eggs

04/28/16: Matthew Engelhart finally speaks about the issue to The Hollywood Reporter. He admits they are raising, killing, sharing, selling meat. They sell shares in the cows. They think selling "shares" is "sharing." They sell shares for money on their website. I am totally against anyone threatening them with physical harm. I'm for boycotting their restaurants, products and farm.

"People have taken up the mob mentality," says Matthew. "It saddens me that the choices we made in the privacy of our home would lead people to feel so betrayed that it's elevated to threats on our lives. I'm very discouraged."

It's not the privacy of their home. They posted it on their public blogs along with photos and videos. They are now promoting the raising, killing and eating meat in blogs, articles and videos. They're even doing seminars of "sustainable farming."

"The trouble began last week when animal rights activists discovered and then widely circulated a 14-month-old blog post written by Terces on the Engelharts' Be Love Farm website, which mixed an announcement of their transition back into a meat diet again after nearly 40 years of vegetarianism (they had been vegan since 2003) with posted pictures of strained beef broth and a freezer full of pastured beef from their own dairy cows. Matthew tells THR they have kept chickens on the farm for seven years "for eggs only," along with the cows for five years for milk, cheese and butter that's for sale. (He claims they've "harvested," or slaughtered, several cows in total and never sold the meat, only shared it with "our friends, neighbors and community.")"

Again, they sell shares in the cows for money and people get cream, milk, cheese and meat in return.

Matthew went on to say that all organic farms use animal fertilizer. That is totally false. There are many organic vegan farmers. They producer fantastic fruit and vegetables. The Engelharts are into the false "soil theory" just to make money.

"For their part, the Engelharts profess to be perplexed by the dissent. "I don't think there's any organization on the planet that's done more to promote a plant-based diet than us," says Matthew. "We've moved it from a dogma to a genre. We serve 28,000 meals a week in all of our enterprises. We've done nothing but a plant-based diet at our restaurants and we're being attacked. It doesn't make sense to me.""

Matthew states he serves 28,000 meals a week. He is still behind the restaurants. He just put them in his kids' names when he was sued. He said he does more for "plant based diets" than anyone. No, he doesn't. He also forgets he stated it was a "vegan" diet and not a "plant based" one originally. Sage "Vegan" Bistro now states they are not vegan but plant based. Then change your name!

If he truly knew what "veganism" is, he would be ashamed of his behavior. I can't believe that he is attacking everyone just like his daughter Mollie. Now I know where she gets her attitude. It's definitely not from gratitude. The Engelharts used vegans, veganism to make money, plain and simple. They don't care about veganism or animals at all. They don't even know what it is.

I'm glad Moby spoke up about this. People don't realize that being vegan is not a diet. It's a way of life, a religion for some.

Moby, cafe gratitude, gracias madre, restaurant, not vegan, boycott, meat eater, killer

Here's the article.

More articles about this mentioning this blog

"LA-based activist Mary Cummins, founder of Animal Advocates, claims that the Engelharts have been influenced by the controversial views of Allan Savory, the Zimbabwean ecologist and author of Holistic Management, which advocates using livestock on grasslands as the only way to reverse climate change and avoid widespread destruction of these lands. (The idea has its detractors – George Monbiot in the Guardian – and supporters – Hunter Lovins also in the Guardian.)"
The owners of the restaurants are removing all of the negative reviews on Yelp and other places. They told Yelp that the reviews are all total lies. They even removed my updated review and only left my original positive one. I will go and remove my old positive review. Okay, just went to Yelp and saw this. I had to click "Got it, thanks!" to be able to see my page.

Protests are planned. They're being organized through Facebook. Search "Boycott Cafe Gratitude and Gracias Madre" and "Protest: Cafe Gratitude restore your ethics."

Mollie Engelhart of Sage keeps attacking anyone who is not happy with her parents breeding, raising, killing and eating meat and animal products. The parents and other siblings have said nothing. Cafe Gratitude and Gracias Madre both put out the same message saying they will not serve meat in their restaurant. They keep stating that Matthew and Terces Engelhart are just the founders and they aren't vegan. The Engelharts are actually more involved than that.

The siblings all still support Allen Savory's ridiculous theory that dirt needs cows to stomp on it in order to absorb carbon from the air into the dirt. I've sent them quite a few articles written by well respected scientists and researchers which show that theory is nonsense. I assume they are supporting the theory so they can continue to sell their movie, seminars, products... They are still selling shares in the cows so people can get milk, cream, cheese and I assume also meat. There is no way Matthew and Terces could eat all the meat they showed in their freezer by themselves. I was hoping they'd change their ways when presented with proof that Savory's theories are false but no. They are sticking to their guns on the issue of raising, killing and eating animals.

Mollie says she has always been a vegan. Then why is she buying chicks and raising so many chickens for so many eggs? She said she got 1,700 eggs from the chickens at her house.

April 2010 she got 237 eggs, May 201 eggs. Why would she be raising chickens for eggs if she doesn't eat them or add them to the food she sells?

Now she has 1,700 eggs. She obviously does something with the eggs.


Earlier today someone posted that we should boycott "Cafe Gratitude," "Gracias Madre" and "Sage" vegan restaurants. The reason is because they went from being vegan, vegetarians for over 40 years to now raising, slaughtering, selling and eating meat. I did a little research and it seems to be true. I emailed the founders and within minutes this was posted on their Facebook page.

"In light of recent comments we want to assure all of our supporters that Café Gratitude and Gracias Madre have always served and will continue to serve 100% organic, plant-based cuisine prepared with ingredients sourced responsibly from vendors and farmers who share our commitment to preserving the integrity of the environment.

Founders Matthew and Terces Engelhart do not personally follow a vegan diet. They reside on their privately-owned Be Love Farm in Vacaville, California where they practice regenerative agriculture, and harvest organic produce for personal consumption for friends, family and neighbors in the area.

Given the growth of the restaurants in Southern California, the majority of produce served at Café Gratitude and Gracias Madre is supplied by local farms with the exception of organic peaches in the summer, and organic butternut squash in the fall and winter months, which are both sourced from Be Love Farms."

Before I emailed them I found some blog entries. Here is a blog entry from February 2015 where the owner talks about raising and selling meat and meat broth.

"It was a big week as we begin to make the transition into our own meat products after nearly 40 years of vegetarianism. While I would clearly say we are in transition and that transition is happening deep within our beings, we know it is a necessary and important part of our own growth as well as the sustainability of our farm. Certainly a part of us wants to either deny the inevitability of death or simply not let ourselves get present to the reality of it, for our animals as well as ourselves. But we know that while we die a little bit each day as we open our hearts further to the presence of love, and as we are the caretakers of our farm animals the responsibility for their health and well being lies with us. This is clearly a longer discussion and we invite you to one of our upcoming farm dinners over the next 9 months, where we share more about this process. Here Matthew is straining off beef broth and our freezer full of pastured beef, our pastured beef.

Here are the girls full of Spring clover sitting down chewing their cud in the warm Spring breeze of the midday."

Cafe Gratitude, Gracias Madre, vegan, vegetarian, meat, matthew engelhart, terces duet, meat broth

Matthew Engelhart, Terces Engelhart, Cafe Gratitude, Gracias Madre, vegan, vegetarian, restaurant, venice, los angeles, west hollywood, california, be love farms, vacaville, california, allan savory, brainwash, cruelty,

They use Gates Ranch Meat Company to kill the animals, cut them up and package their meat. The name is on the packaging.

This is what Terces said in the I Am Grateful cookbook "by eating vegan, you vote for the ending of this cruelty. You also stop ingesting the violent energy that is held deep within the tissues of these animals. We are becoming more aware that animal foods are not healthy for the human body. We have to transform everything we eat, and animal foods require the most energy to transform, keeping us slow, less alert, and less alive."

Matthew and Terces Engelhart aren't just the founders. They are the majority owners of the Cafe Gratitude LLC which owns the restaurants and other business. Their children own some of the restaurants and other related businesses. Here the owner talks about meeting Allan Savory . The US government states his theories are false and contradict years of research. Animals trampling the soil actually leads to compaction. I've read articles about cows, deer over grazing land which destroys the soil, plant life and even waterways. I'm sure Savory moved to the US because he was chased out of the UK. We obviously have a few fruits and nuts here that believe his, pardon the pun, bull.

I believe they've been brainwashed by Allan Savory. Here is just one of many articles which show his theories are nothing more than the rantings of a lunatic. There is no need for humans to artificially breed animals for the sole purpose to kill and eat them. It's not good for the environment, our health or the animals. He just wants to rationalize meat which he loves eating. He should just state that.

Here is some information on Matthew and Terces Engelhart. They've written books, give seminars about their "spirit of gratitude and appreciation for the abundance of life that has afforded them a life beyond their expectations." I used to think this "gratitude" theory was hippy dippy. Now I realize that they are probably grateful for the money they made off this "theory."

Matthew Engelhart's daughter is Mollie Engelhart who owns and is the chef of Sage restaurant. She brags about her parents farm. There are photos of her and her current husband up there with the cows, walking them, feeding them. She is friends with Moby, Woody Harrelson and many other vegan celebs. This is even more disheartening to have what appears to be vegan frauds using veganism and vegan celebs just to make money. Mollie Engelhart also believes in the fake "soil needs cow" bull. Cary Mosier Terces' son who runs the WeHo Cafe Gratitude is also in the "soil" movement. Ryland Engelhart is behind "The Soil Story." Here's his video. He said we need cows to graze to help the soil. He's also behind It's a non-profit and they are begging for money. I think they are creating this "movement" just as a way to sell food, books, seminars, films... That would mean the restaurants will serve meat soon because we "must eat meat to save the soil." The only real thing the family seems to do is lots of marketing, seminars, writing... They're also involved in an awful lot of lawsuits which they lose or settle. See the lawsuits below. Those are only from two counties.

Mollie states she uses honey in the menu items at "Sage Vegan Bistro." She really doesn't get it. You can't call yourself "Vegan" if you use honey. There are so many other better, even cheaper honey alternatives. She buys it from her ex-husband's father. Must be a money thing. Mollie also admitted that her current husband is not vegan. This makes me feel that Mollie probably isn't 100% vegan either. Her current husband Elias Sosa is I believe the main cook for Sage. Mollie stated that she doesn't care if people are vegan or not.

Someone asked me if I was posting information about Matthew Engelhart and Terces Duet which own Cafe Gratitude. Here is the proof that they are one and the same. Terces Duet Engelhart is not her real name. She was born September 9, 1950 in Fairburn, Ohio as Marsha F Lane to father Ariel Lane Lloyd and mother Leona Curry. I think she's been married about five times so far changing her name each time. Here are her husbands in order, James D Manzo, Dennis C Grist, Mosier, Todd Duet and now Matthew Engelhart. I only see one divorce in the lot so far. She has three kids, Matthew Manzo, Molly Mosier and Cary Mosier. There are so many marriages and kids from different marriages that it's difficult to keep it straight. Some kids may be the kids of Jeanne and her other husbands if she had any.

Mollie Engelhart sage restaurant terces matthew engelhart cafe gratitude, gracias madre
After doing some research, contacting the owners, their response on Facebook I now support vegans and vegetarians boycotting their restaurants and products. People have already organized protests. I can't go because of my back but I support polite, honest and legal protests.

They have a shady past. Seems many have written about this company's past.
Some claims had to do with the employees being forced to take Landmark Forum seminars which is like an EST cult type of organization which is really based on making money through multi-level marketing of seminars. Terces Duet used to work for Landmark. That is where she allegedly met Matthew Engelhart in 2000. I think Matthew was still married to Jeanne at the time. 

A friend of mine got sucked into Landmark. You go take a self-help class. At class you meet tons of new "friends" who all ask for your email address and phone number. Instantly they all call you and invite you to more classes. They also encourage you to invite your friends to classes. It's basically a multi-level marketing platform for the higher ups. My friend ended up spending all of his money on classes. He even sold his motorcycle. I've found people who push the classes are definitely into the cult aspect.

The lawsuits also have to do with labor violations. Employees had to share their tips with management or forfeit health insurance. I'm now thinking this "gratitude" is a bit of a scam. When lawyers were coming after them they sold/gave their most successful restaurants to their kids. They made sure their other business interests are not related to the restaurants. They even lied and said they will be forced to close their restaurants because of lawsuits. They asked for and received donations to "fight the lawsuits." Reminds me of the Gentle Barn antics. 

The Skeptical Vegan did a series of articles on the family and company. In 2009 an employee was fired for not going through the EST Landmark forum class. There are lots of links to other in depth researched articles about Cafe Gratitude and the Engelharts

In depth article here about the cult aspect of Cafe Gratitude via Landmark.

I got a copy of all the lawsuits and there are many. They were sued for employment violations by many people. They were charged with many labor law violations including trying to share tips with management which is illegal. They also didn't give legal breaks and forced employees to take the EST founded Landmark Forum seminars. "Landmark Worldwide (formerly Landmark Education), or simply Landmark, is a company offering personal development programs, headquartered in San Francisco. The current company started with the licensing of rights to use intellectual property owned by Werner Erhard, author of the est (Erhard Seminars Training)."

I'll post some of the affidavits from the lawsuit. The Engelharts were just trying to make as much money as possible. They kept changing the job descriptions so they could lower the wage and not have to give health insurance.  They ended up settling all of the many lawsuits. They ended up closing some restaurants for financial reasons. They kept the most profitable ones and gave/sold them to their kids to get them out from under the Cafe Gratitude LLC which was liable for the employment violations.

Go here and search "Cafe Gratitude" or "Matthew Engelhart" to find the cases. It's free. There is a case there under seal for "Matthew Engelhart." It includes his ex-wife Jeanne Engelhart. Maybe it's a domestic violence or divorce case. I don't know.

Here are some of the cases. Cafe Gratitude was the defendant in all of them. This is from only San Francisco County Superior Court







These cases are from Los Angeles County California cases from

CAFE GRATITUDE LARCHMONT LLC Prdct Liablty (not asbes,tox,envir (Unlimited) 10/28/2014 Stanley Mosk Courthouse 15

CAFE GRATITUDE VENICE LLC Breach Contrct/Warnty (Sellr Pltf) (Unlimited) 07/16/2012 Stanley Mosk Courthouse 4
Case Number:  BC488454

CAFE GRATITUDE VENICE Othr Breach Contr/Warr-not Fraud (Unlimited) 09/20/2012 Santa Monica Courthouse
Case Number:  SC118445

CAFE GRATITUDE VENICE LLC Wrongful Termination (Unlimited) 01/09/2013 Stanley Mosk Courthouse 26
Case Number:  BC498736

CAFE GRATITUDE VENICE LLC Wrongful Termination (Unlimited) 03/26/2015 Stanley Mosk Courthouse 25
Case Number:  BC576914

CAFE GRATITUDE VENICE LLC Other Employment Complaint (Unlimited) 05/05/2015 Stanley Mosk Courthouse 53
Case Number:  BC580818

CAFE GRATITUDE VENICE LLC Prdct Liablty (not asbes,tox,envir (Unlimited) 09/04/2014 Stanley Mosk Courthouse 11
Case Number:  BC556113

These are just for Matthew Engelhart in Los Angeles County.

ENGELHART MATTHEW C. OTHER CIVIL COMP. (Limited) 07/21/1999 Santa Clarita Courthouse
Case Number:  99C00904

ENGELHART MATTHEW C. Othr Breach Contr/Warr-not Fraud (Unlimited) 12/15/2004 Burbank Courthouse
Case Number:  EC040045

ENGELHART MATTHEW Othr Breach Contr/Warr-not Fraud (Unlimited) 10/29/2004 Stanley Mosk Courthouse
Case Number:  BC323800

Below are civil cases for Mollie V Engelhart in Los Angeles County.

ENGELHART MOLLIE V. DBA MAJESTIC STUDIOS Small Claims 06/02/2003 Van Nuys Courthouse West (Sued by am pm door inc)



ENGELHART MOLLIE V. Breach Rental/Lease (not UD/Evict) (Unlimited) 12/10/2002 San Fernando Courthouse


ENGELHART MOLLIE Othr Breach Contr/Warr-not Fraud (Unlimited) 10/18/2001 Santa Monica Courthouse  (Union bank sued Abundance Recording, Mollie. Mollie lost)


ENGELHART MOLLIE U.D. RESIDENTIAL (Limited) 05/30/2002 Van Nuys Courthouse West  (Evictions from NoHo Apartments)

ENGELHART MOLLIE U.D. RESIDENTIAL (Limited) 10/17/2002 Van Nuys Courthouse West

ENGELHART MOLLIE U.D. RESIDENTIAL (Limited) 07/18/2001 Van Nuys Courthouse West

ENGELHART MOLLIE Othr Breach Contr/Warr-not Fraud (Unlimited) 10/29/2004 Stanley Mosk Courthouse

ENGELHART MOLLIE Othr Breach Contr/Warr-not Fraud (Unlimited) 12/15/2004 Burbank Courthouse

ENGELHART MOLLIE U.D. RESIDENTIAL (Limited) 02/23/2010 Chatsworth Courthouse

I was wondering what the sound studio lawsuits were about so I did some research. Mollie sometimes goes by the name of "Mollie Angelheart." Her mother Jeanne also uses that name. Here she states she's a very successful poet, producer besides running a multi-million dollar sound studio to the stars. All I've been able to find is a bunch of lawsuits against her, her family and the sound studio besides a bunch of evictions. As for her "poetry" it's "slam poetry" where she states she's a "psychotic bitch" who slams her boyfriend, husband, people, the world with obscene words. Doesn't sound very "Cafe Gratitude'y" to me. She also claims to be an actor.

Here is a search to see the health violations at the restaurants. Search by restaurant names "Cafe Gratitude," "Gracias Madre" and "Sage Vegan Bistro." They had a violation at each inspection though their grades are generally A with some B's. Sage Vegan Bistro has the worst rating of all three restaurants for health code violations. They even had their permit suspended twice.

You can also search the Los Angeles County health inspection reports here. It doesn't show all inspections, just some.

Here is the result of one inspection of Sage Vegan Bistro.

Sage Vegan Bistro health inspection report permit suspended violations
SAGE VEGAN BISTRO 1700 W SUNSET BLVD LOS ANGELES Permit Suspension B 81 0 9/25/2014 Details  

SAGE VEGAN BISTRO 4130 SEPULVEDA BLVD #G CULVER CITY Permit Suspension A 91 0 2/3/2015 Details  

You can search their liquor license permits here.

The family wrote a book which is a cult like get rich quick mess. Matthew was supposedly 28 with two kids and poor. He got involved with "A Course in Miracles" and wished for money. He then illegally bid on a construction job which was beyond his qualifications, got the job with no experience then subcontracted it out for profit. That is actually illegal. 

Terces was also totally broke and homeless she states. She too got involved in just thinking about being rich. The "spirituality" that these people talk about is all centered on money. This is the book, "The Abounding River Personal Logbook: An Unfamiliar View of Being Abundance," By Matthew Engelhart, Terces Engelhart. It's all about wishing for and thinking about money, money, money and more money. I now think "Cafe Gratitude" is a fraud of a restaurant. The name "Cafe Gratitude" is now obscene. 

Matthew Engelhart, Terces Engelhart, Cafe Gratitude, Gracias Madre, vegan, vegetarian, restaurant, venice, los angeles, west hollywood, california, be love farms, vacaville, california, allan savory, brainwash, cruelty,
Be Love Farm is located at 7071 Bucktown Lane, Vacaville, CA 95688. January 2008 the Engelharts purchased it for $950,000 with a $550,000 first. It was built in 2013 on 20 acres 2,755 sf.

 "Vacaville" means "cow town." This area has many ranchers raising cattle to sell for beef. I have lost all respect for these people. Their "gratitude" was bullshit.

I just read more of their blog. These people have truly gone off the deep end. Get a load of this!

"We also cooked our first hamburgers, see Matthew eating his first in over 40 years! I promise this transition has been challenging and insightful and we are ever so thankful for the sacrifice that our cows made."

Matthew Engelhart eating a burger made from cows they raised and killed Gracias Madre, Cafe Gratitude, vegan, 

"cows make an extreme sacrifice for humanity but that is their position in God’s plan as food for the predators. Cows maintain the grass, predators maintain the herd by culling the weak and sick. We can be part of that sacrament. Sacrifice is part of life. As in the passion of Christ, we all have to spill our blood for humanity to know the Father. The cow’s sacrifice was been ordained, ours we must choose."

Terces Lane Engelhart truly believes we have to breed and eat cows so they can stomp the soil to protect wildlife and the earth. She said if she knew of a better way, she would do it. Just go vegetarian or vegan. She even talks about making South African beef jerky from muscle cuts of beef to make men strong. She shows off pieces of flesh she's drying and aging in her kitchen. This is just too shocking and revolting. You don't need to eat meat to be strong. Look at all the vegan athletes.

Terces Engelhart meat vegan vegetarian Gracias Madre Cafe Gratitude farm Marsha Lane
They are selling shares in their cattle for the milk and cheese. I would think they are also selling shares in the meat. If you look at the pic above, that's an awful lot of meat. It would take a true meat eater a lot of time to eat that much meat. I don't think someone could eat it all before it went bad in the freezer. They must be selling it indirectly through the shares. I think they use the shares system so they aren't really a business or meat vendor. They do sell honey, cheese, milk and cream at the farm along with produce.

There's a bit more to the story. They are ONLY into making money. They've trademarked phrases "Kindrid Spirit," "Abounding Rivers," "Be Love Farm" is an LLC. They also own a farm in Maui. They wrote a book called "Sacred Commerce" again it's all about money, money, money. They had a trademark for "Cafe Gratitude" but they lost it. Terces is now selling a multi-level marketing skin cream. She also sells lectures about herself and books. She sells classes in being "grateful." She gives presentations on how "amazingly successful" she is. She brags that all of her businesses were successes when that is not the case.

In 2012 Matthew Clark Engelhart and Terces Duet Lane Engelhart were the only two shareholders in Cafe Gratitude LLC.  They are not just the founders as the restaurants posted.

Matthew's first wife Jeanne Mary was the owner of FLAX clothing along with Matthew. Here's an article about it. It's "Gratitude" for clothing. It's loose, cheap, comfy clothing with labels that say such things as


"Flax began as Angelheart Designs in the late 1980s in an old dairy barn outside of Ithaca, N.Y. Designer Jeanne Engelhart and her husband, Matthew, turned this handmade-clothes cottage industry into real manufacturing when they traveled to the Baltic states post-Soviet Union, where many factories lay dormant and linen was plentiful. Engelhart contracted with a worker-owned, women-run sewing collective in Lithuania, and Jeanne Engelhart Flax was born. In 1993, the first lines hit U.S. shops like reveille." Jeanne left the company in 2001. That sounds like about the time Jeanne and Matthew divorced because he met Terces Duet.

Jeanne is now in Hawaii with her new business. It's all very similar, identical to Cafe Gratitude.

Terces on Instagram. They are selling the eggs, cheese and milk. Matthew said they weren't. Then why the custom packaging? Terces answers the question "What are you grateful for?" She says she's grateful for cheese. This is just so strange.

Matthew Engelhart, Terces Engelhart, Cafe Gratitude, Gracias Madre, vegan, vegetarian, restaurant, venice, los angeles, west hollywood, california, be love farms, vacaville, california, allan savory, brainwash, cruelty,

Matthew Engelhart, Terces Engelhart, Cafe Gratitude, Gracias Madre, vegan, vegetarian, restaurant, venice, los angeles, west hollywood, california, be love farms, vacaville, california, allan savory, brainwash, cruelty,

Matthew Engelhart, Terces Engelhart, Cafe Gratitude, Gracias Madre, vegan, vegetarian, restaurant, venice, los angeles, west hollywood, california, be love farms, vacaville, california, allan savory, brainwash, cruelty,

Matthew Engelhart, Terces Engelhart, Cafe Gratitude, Gracias Madre, vegan, vegetarian, restaurant, venice, los angeles, west hollywood, california, be love farms, vacaville, california, allan savory, brainwash, cruelty,

Matthew Engelhart, Terces Engelhart, Cafe Gratitude, Gracias Madre, vegan, vegetarian, restaurant, venice, los angeles, west hollywood, california, be love farms, vacaville, california, allan savory, brainwash, cruelty,
Interesting history from Terces past.

June 13 1992

"Couple gives away personal belongings A Ben Lomond couple will be giving away many of their personal and household belongings today at their home, 170 Stanford Drive, between 9 a.m. and noon. Terces Duet said she and Todd Zimmerman are embarking on a simpler life and hope they can help others in need."

Hitting the road Couple to try a simpler life
By JOHN ROBINSON Sentinel staff writer ' BEN LOMOND - June 14, 1992

"Unsatisfied with the fruit of their labor cars, a house and rooms full of possessions a Ben Lomond couple has given away their belongings, bought an RV, and will soon hit the road in search of a new American dream. - "I'm tired of the 4040 plan work 40 hours a week for 40 years, retire and then two years later you're dead," said Todd Zimmerman. "We had all the cars, money in the bank and we asked 'Is this it?' "

Until three years ago, Zimmerman, 39, was a manager at an IBM computer plant, working 60 to 80 hours a week. The money was good, and his view of the future was to become upper management one of the elite "blue suiters" at the world's largest computer company. .

But something was missing that rooms full of gadgets could not fill. It was the same for his partner, Terces Duet, 42, who runs workshops on eating disorders. The more she worked to ensure a good home for their four children - some from prior marriages the less time she had with her family. - Something was out of balance. ; "I took a look at a home for the elderly, and I said, 'That's what's going to happen to us," Duet said.

After much discussion, the two decided it was time for a change in the foundation of their lives. They decided to unload and give away nearly everything they own and hit the road. "Some of our friends thought we were crazy," Zimmerman said. "But then we also have several people ready to go with us. It's like a wagon train, only it's not cloth-covered wagons, but RV's." !

Among those friends are some of his former IBM workers who told Zimmerman they were planning to quit work soon, and follow some as-yet-unformed dream. . And what overburdened, stressed-out worker hasn't dreamed of packing it up and traveling the country, or running off to live in the jungles of Hawaii. "It's freedom. That's what it's about," Zimmerman said."

So far it looks like these people have been trying to start businesses their entire lives. All Terces really does is marketing same with Matthew. They got lucky and hit it rich with Cafe Gratitude and now Gracias Madre. I think their streak is just about to run out. Vegans and vegetarians don't like being conned and scammed. Vegans and vegetarians went to the restaurants because they were vegan, vegetarian and run by vegans, vegetarians. I will never go to Gracias Madre, Sage or Cafe Gratitude ever again.

I changed my Yelp review.

Cafe Gratitude, Gracias Madre, Sage Vegan Bistro Yelp review Mary Cummins

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Google+ Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, wildlife, wild, animal, rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rehabilitator, fish, game, los angeles, california, united states, squirrel, raccoon, fox, skunk, opossum, coyote, bobcat, manual, instructor, speaker, humane, nuisance, control, pest, trap, exclude, deter, green, non-profit, nonprofit, non, profit, ill, injured, orphaned, exhibit, exhibitor, usda, united states department of agriculture, hsus, humane society, peta, ndart, humane academy, humane officer, animal legal defense fund, animal cruelty, investigation, peace officer, animal, cruelty, abuse, neglect #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

What will actually happen at SeaWorld after they announced end of the breeding program and shows - Animal Advocates, Mary Cummins

SeaWorld, Tilikum, Joel Manby, marina mammal, orca, parks, captive breeding, empty the tanks, free willy, black fish, move, mary cummins, animal advocates
UPDATE: 03/24/2016 We were just notified that the breeding and show ban only applies to orcas, not dolphins. Dolphins also need to swim miles a day. They also live in families. On top of this they stated they will "rescue" marine mammals that are "unreleasable." This means they will take animals from other aquariums and water parks. Those other aquariums and water parks may breed and show animals. They may obtain then give, sell animals to SeaWorld. I know our local Fish & Wildlife gives perfectly healthy orphan sea otters to SeaWorld and other aquariums when they could be raised to be released back to the wild. We need to keep a very close eye to see if any real change will happen.


SeaWorld announced the end of their orca breeding program on March 17, 2016 in all their marine parks around the US. They will also stop their "theatrical orca shows" and concentrate more on rescuing marine mammals. From their CEO Joel Manby "We will introduce new, inspiring, natural orca encounters rather than theatrical shows, as part of our ongoing commitment to education, marine science research and the rescue of marine animals." If you read the press release, you can tell that while things will be changing, the changes may not be that dramatic.

They stopped taking baby orcas from their moms years ago because making them with artificial mating and insemination was cheaper. Their main sperm donor Tilikum is on his death bed/tank in Florida. No more Tilikum, no more free sperm. Notice they announced they would stop their breeding program a day after they announced Tilikum was dying. SeaWorld was forced to stop their breeding program in California by the California Coastal Commission. They were forced to stop their breeding program in all SeaWorlds around the US when they announced Tilikum who lives in Florida was dying. The only reason they stopped their breeding program was because Tilikum is dying and the public no longer wants to view their cruel orca shows and exhibits because of the documentary “Black Fish.” The main reason was the almighty dollar.

That said I’m still glad they are stopping the breeding program and the current orca shows. Still, animal activists can’t yet rest. SeaWorld will be doing “educational” shows showing “natural behaviors.” Based on what I’ve seen of “educational” marine mammal shows they will still show them breaching, spyhopping, tail-lobbing, pectoral fin slapping and eating. They will also show them doing all SeaWorld learned behaviors so they can be examined by a veterinarian such as rolling over, swimming up to and on a platform... I’m sure they will still do some parts of their regular shows calling it “enrichment” so they get “exercise and don’t get bored.” All in all I doubt much will really change. They may even have some “oops” babies like other zoos do. Babies bring in the crowds and the money. So do the live “shows.” We need to still keep our eyes on SeaWorld to monitor what they will actually do.

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Google+ Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, wildlife, wild, animal, rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rehabilitator, fish, game, los angeles, california, united states, squirrel, raccoon, fox, skunk, opossum, coyote, bobcat, manual, instructor, speaker, humane, nuisance, control, pest, trap, exclude, deter, green, non-profit, nonprofit, non, profit, ill, injured, orphaned, exhibit, exhibitor, usda, united states department of agriculture, hsus, humane society, peta, ndart, humane academy, humane officer, animal legal defense fund, animal cruelty, investigation, peace officer, animal, cruelty, abuse, neglect #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit

Monday, January 18, 2016

Animal Advocates 2015 Year End Report - Los Angeles, California - Mary Cummins

Here are a few things we've accomplished in 2015 thanks to you and all your help.
Wild animals we rescued for release
▪ 242 Tree Squirrels ▪ 162 Opossums ▪ 49 Raccoons ▪ 45 California Ground Squirrels ▪ 22 Gophers ▪ 52 Striped Skunk ▪ 101 Pigeon ▪ 48 Wild bunnies ▪ 7 Coyotes ▪ 3 Bobcats ▪ 5 Foxes ▪ 67 Rats ▪ 44 Mice ▪ 28 Pip bats ▪ 29 Hoary bats ▪ 67 California myotis bats ▪ 144 Mexican free-tail bats
1,115 wild animals, 95% release rate (2% euthanized, 3% died)
Domestic animals we rescued
28 House Bunnies 33 Cats 51 Red eared slider turtles 3 Iguanas 72 Koi fish 45 Domestic rats 32 Domestic mice 12 Hamsters 22 Domestic ducks 34 Guinea Pigs 17 Chickens 349 rescued, all rehomed
Exotic pets transported out of state
We have permission to bail exotic pocket pets for transport out of the state. We bailed and arranged for transport of 247 exotic pets.
1,711 total animals rescued. We're over 1,000 again! Considering our limited donations and Mary Cummins being out of commission off and on because of her back, not a bad year.
Other activities
Paid to spayneuter 53 animals owned by others Gave wildlife presentations at six public events Uploaded 12 new animal rescue videos to YouTube Now have over 5,300 YouTube subscribers Now have over 8,565,000 video views on YouTube Now have over 63,000 Facebook fans Now have over 1,500 Twitter followers 15 year perfect inspection reports from USDA Consulted with two cities about educating the public about wildlife Taught a class for small mammal rehabilitators Responded to over 1,000 emails asking for animal advice/help from all over the world Responded to over 1,300 phone calls asking for animal advice/help Over 500,000 hits on our website Animal Advocates
Over 2,000,000 hits on our website Squirrel Rescue We are a 100% "green" organization
Every year we generally have to say a few goodbyes so special animals and friends. Knock on wood, none this year.
Thanks to Baby Warm for the new incubator Thanks to Dr. Jennifer Conrad for the Paw Project documentary. Thanks to Frank for all the formula. Thanks to “you know who” for money for new tires for the rescue mobile Thanks to Eldad Hagar for helping animals. Thanks to PETA for stopping the cruel "Possum Drop." Thanks for the hay and donations. Thanks to everyone in the food recycling program. Thanks to Brenda Barnette for allowing us to pickup wildlife from the shelters. Thanks to new Mayor Eric Garcetti for all his help with animals. Thanks to Governor Brown to appointing wildlife friendly people to the commission soon Thanks to Fish & Game Commission for outlawing animal hunt contests. Thanks to people who helped transport animals. Thanks to all the volunteers. Thanks everyone for all the love and support. And a special thanks to anyone I accidentally left off the list and our anonymous donors.
2016 Marks our 14th year as a non-profit organization. We have a lot of new things planned! ▪ We're looking for a new property with more land that backs up to city or state park land. ▪ We'll be rewriting our wildlife rehabilitation manuals and finishing a book. ▪ We'll be redoing the websites. ▪ We'll be starting a membership with a newsletter, special offers and live wildlife programs. ▪ We'll be applying for grants to expand our program ▪ We expect to get our wildlife rescue numbers back up. We should be over 1,300. The economy has really taken a toll on our finances.
If you're doing some year end tax planning, keep in mind that Animal Advocates is a 501 3c non-profit corporation recognized by the IRS and Attorney General. We are also recognized by the state of California as a legal non-profit corporation. All donations are tax deductible. Our PayPal button is on our website http://www.AnimalAdvocates.usor/ you can always send a check to
Animal Advocates 645 W. 9th St. #110-140 Los Angeles, CA 90015-1640
That's a P.O. box so don't deliver animals there. Here are more ways you can help Animal Advocates.
We also have a GoFundMe campaign but would prefer direct donations as GoFundMe takes 10%
We have an Amazon Smile account
We have an eBay account you can friend, fan or donate to.

We have an iGive account
Thanks from everyone at Animal Advocates for caring about animals. We wish you a happy and wonderful New Year!
Mary Cummins, MaryEllen Schoeman and everyone else at Animal Advocates

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Google+ Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, wildlife, wild, animal, rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rehabilitator, fish, game, los angeles, california, united states, squirrel, raccoon, fox, skunk, opossum, coyote, bobcat, manual, instructor, speaker, humane, nuisance, control, pest, trap, exclude, deter, green, non-profit, nonprofit, non, profit, ill, injured, orphaned, exhibit, exhibitor, usda, united states department of agriculture, hsus, humane society, peta, ndart, humane academy, humane officer, animal legal defense fund, animal cruelty, investigation, peace officer, animal, cruelty, abuse, neglect #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Amicus briefs filed supporting Marcy Winograd in California Freedom of Speech case

Marcy Winograd freedom of speech tawni angel, don chomiak, california, pony rides, inhumane, cruel

Two organizations filed amicus briefs supporting Marcy Winograd in her freedom of speech case.

"I was proud to learn this week that the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and the Animal Legal Defense Fund filed amicus “friend of the court” briefs (Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Amicus Brief Filed 12-21-15 and ALDF Brief Filed Dec. 21, 2015) to support my free speech and right to petition case now before the California Court of Appeal. The case stems from a controversy swirling around a pony ride and zoo that once operated at the Santa Monica Main Street Farmers, a few blocks from my home. In September 2014, the Santa Monica City Council voted to give preference to non-animal vendors after hearing heartfelt complaints about the sad and disturbing nature of the exhibits.

Following the vote, animal vendors Tawni Angel and Jason Nester filed a lawsuit against me, the author of a petition now signed by over 2300 people, calling for the closure of the pony ride and zoo."

The rest is at the link below.

The case file is here.

I fully support Marcy Winograd and her case. Based on the law and evidence Marcy Winograd should win this case.

I was involved in a similar case in Texas which I also appealed. The appeals court reversed most of the claims except one claim of defamation in my case. In my case the government agency agreed it was animal cruelty. The USDA stated the Plaintiff caused animals "pain, suffering and death." It was not reversed because of Texas judicial corruption. In my case the Plaintiff's attorney bragged in court that he'd known the Judge for many years and he'll sign anything he puts in front of him. The Judge and his friends did exactly that. I'm still battling that case in Texas.

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and GameMary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, single family, condo, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls,

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Google+ Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, wildlife, wild, animal, rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rehabilitator, fish, game, los angeles, california, united states, squirrel, raccoon, fox, skunk, opossum, coyote, bobcat, manual, instructor, speaker, humane, nuisance, control, pest, trap, exclude, deter, green, non-profit, nonprofit, non, profit, ill, injured, orphaned, exhibit, exhibitor, usda, united states department of agriculture, hsus, humane society, peta, ndart, humane academy, humane officer, animal legal defense fund, animal cruelty, investigation, peace officer, animal, cruelty, abuse, neglect #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Horrible click bait writer returns dog to breeder because she didn't train it - Lisa Rabasca Roepe, Wayne Roepe, Yahoo Parenting

lisa rabasca roepe, yahoo parenting, wayne roepe, arlington, virginia, write, she knows, av club, arlington strategy, dog breeder, returned, crate, bark, house train, trainer, eevee
When I read the title I instantly saw it was a click bait writer. A click bait writer writes a title with the sole intention to get the most eyes on the article for ad revenue. It can be something amazing or something totally wretched like her title "Why we returned our adorable puppy to the breeder." Generally if you read the article that's not what really happens. In this case unfortunately it was what actually happened and then some.

Lisa Roepe bought a puppy at a breeder. She brought it home and instantly the puppy had separation anxiety as all puppies do. The puppy would incessantly bark for attention, food and to be let out of its crate. The puppy also had accidents. This is normal puppy behavior.

Any sane person knows that you must train all puppies. Puppies don't shoot out of their mother knowing exactly when and where you want them to poop or that you hate barking. Barking is a dog communicating with you. The dog is telling you it needs something. If you don't understand what your dog needs, you should contact a trainer.

I have crate trained, house trained ... many dogs. It's a very simple procedure. With puppies they will have to go potty more often than adults. You take them out every hour in the beginning. If you crate train, you put them in there after they've pee'd, pooped right before you or the puppy go to bed. Instantly in the morning you take the puppy out to pee, poo. Soon they learn they should pee outside and you will take them outside every couple of hours.

After reading the article I thought maybe this writer is taking the click bait one step farther. Some people such as Dear Abby will intentionally write a horrible article so many people will share and comment on it so they can get more traffic for ad revenue. I thought Lisa will write another article next week saying that's not what she meant, she's sorry, she learned her lesson. That is not what is happening in this case. Lisa is actually a horrible and clueless person.

Based on this photo I found in Lisa's facebook page she allowed, forced her puppy to pee many times in its crate and never cleaned it up. The purpose of a crate is to help potty train and to give them a safe place to sleep. I only see soiled newspaper in the crate. The crate should only have enough room for a bed so they will not pee or poo in there. They don't want to poop where they sleep. No wonder the puppy didn't want to go in there. Plain newspaper training is a different process.

UPDATE: She just removed the pic of her kid with the puppy and posted a pic of her dead dog.

Normally I don't post photos with children in it. I did this time because the writer herself posted a photo of her kid with the puppy. I believe she posted this pic to make the article even sadder. She didn't just disappoint the dog but also her daughter. She set the worst example for her kid. She also set her kid up to be ridiculed at school because of her mother's crappy behavior.

Lisa has shut down her Twitter feed, locked up some of her profiles within the last six hours. I bet she is already getting lots of hate mail. She has ruined her reputation and the reputation of her business and employers with her article. I saved copies of all the pages. This woman is really as bad as the title of her article. She should never have pets again.

Lisa Rabasca Roepe a writer for Yahoo Parenting, She Knows, AV Club and her business consulting company Arlington Strategy in Arlington, Virginia. She states in her LinkedIn profile "I am a full-time freelance writer with a broad background in writing, editing and copyediting on a wide variety of topics and in multiple formats, including print, digital, video scripts, ebooks and social media. I have written for Hearst Digital (Women’s Day, Redbook and Good Housekeeping), The Mid, Mommyish, Paste, The Washington Post, Men's Journal and Yahoo Parenting. I am equally adept at pitching ideas and taking assignments.

I provide branded content to Avalara, as well as the clients of Foxtail Marketing and Arlington Strategy. I am a part-time senior communications strategist at Arlington Strategy. I have extensive experience in strategic communications and outreach, stakeholder engagement, brand identity, message development and client collaboration. I have developed and executed outreach and communications programs for the government as well as the public and private sector, leading campaigns that integrate print, digital content, webinars, videos and social media."

People should only hire this woman if they want to destroy their image, reputation and business. She clearly has a major lack of judgment.

Here is her public contact information if you'd like to contact her., 703-304-0465, 3801 27th Street N. Arlington, VA 22207 Her husband works/worked for the EPA.

Here is some more nasty click bait articles she wrote. This one is "I was embarrassed of my child." Her kid should be embarrassed by her mother's horrible behavior. This is a nasty thing to publicly state about your 13 year old kid. This woman is just plain mean. Other titles are "I refuse to help my kid with her homework," "I let my kid eat junk food." I hope the kid grows up to be a writer and writes articles such as "I had the worst mother in the world," "What it was like to be raised by a cruel bitch."

Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.

Google+ Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary Cummins-Cobb, Mary, Cummins, Cobb, wildlife, wild, animal, rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife rehabilitator, fish, game, los angeles, california, united states, squirrel, raccoon, fox, skunk, opossum, coyote, bobcat, manual, instructor, speaker, humane, nuisance, control, pest, trap, exclude, deter, green, non-profit, nonprofit, non, profit, ill, injured, orphaned, exhibit, exhibitor, usda, united states department of agriculture, hsus, humane society, peta, ndart, humane academy, humane officer, animal legal defense fund, animal cruelty, investigation, peace officer, animal, cruelty, abuse, neglect #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit