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Animal Advocates News, Wildlife Rehabilitation in Los Angeles, California. Animal Advocates rescues ill, injured and orphaned wildlife for release back to the wild. We rescue coyotes, bobcats, foxes, raccoons, opossums, skunks, squirrels .... and bats. Mary Cummins is a reporter with Animal Advocates News.
Mary Cummins Animal Advocates Los Angeles California Wildlife Rehabilitation Real Estate
Monday, December 12, 2022
Cow Milk doesn't Kill Baby Wildlife, Animals. Wives Tale. By Mary Cummins Animal Advocates

Thursday, December 8, 2022
P-22 Mountain Lion Will be Trapped and Assessed for Health, Behavior by Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates
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P-22 mountain lion , Copyright Steve Winter photographer, fair use of copyright for non commercial education. Animal Advocates,Mary Cummins, cougar, puma, los angeles, california, griffith park |
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P22, Animal Advocates,Mary Cummins, cougar, puma, los angeles, california, griffith park |
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P22, Animal Advocates,Mary Cummins, cougar, puma, los angeles, california, griffith park , ct scan, xray, hernia, organs, lungs, heart, diaphragm, liver, kidney, mountain lion |
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Chuck Bonham, Director California Department of Fish & Wildlife |
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Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, p22, mountain lion, puma, cougar, los angeles, california, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife, wildlife rescue, @animaladvusa @marycummins |
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Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates, p22, mountain lion, puma, cougar, los angeles, california, wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife, wildlife rescue, @animaladvusa @marycummins |
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Sunday, December 4, 2022
Animal Advocates Report About Griffith Park Pony Rides and Petting Zoo by Mary Cummins
griffith park pony rides, petting zoo, animal advocates, mary cummins, los angeles, california, griffith park, pony rides, neglect, overgrown hooves, city, parks, recreation |
UPDATE: 01/09/2023 "Historic Structures at Griffith Park may Hamper City Plans" https://www.pasadenastarnews.com/2023/01/08/historic-structures-at-griffith-park-pony-ride-may-hamper-citys-plans
Mary Cummins
Animal Advocates Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
645 W 9th St #110140
Los Angeles, CA 90015
May 30, 2022
City of Los Angeles
Department of Recreation and Parks
221 N Figueroa Street Suite 350
Los Angeles, CA 90012
RE: Griffith Park Pony Rides
& Petting Zoo
I'm Mary Cummins of Animal
Advocates Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. I've been involved
in animal issues for over 35 years in Los Angeles. I've gone through the Police
Academy and Humane Academy to become a Humane Officer and investigate animal
cruelty and violations. I've worked positively with the City of Los Angeles for
over 20 years including on the Prop F Committee and getting the current Los
Angeles Animal Services Wildlife Policy passed in 2004 (Ref. 1).
May 29, 2022 11:00 a.m. to
1:00 p.m. I visited the Griffith Park Pony Rides and Petting Zoo (GPPR). The
following is a report of my visit and a summary of my research including
attached/linked photos, videos and references.
1. Petting Zoo
a. Sheep
The sheep's hooves were overgrown
and needed trimming (Photo 1, 2). This is link to overgrown (left) and properly
trimmed (right) hooves https://cdn.outdoorhappens.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Diagram-of-Hoof-anatomy-tom-milner-1024x405.jpg . His coat needed to be
cleaned because he had feces matted to his wool. His coat needed to be sheared.
This is a photo of Larry the same sheep from the official website of the
GPPR. https://www.griffithparkponyride.com/petting-zoo You can see that Larry is
clean, shorn and his hooves are properly trimmed. This shows that the owner
knows how to care for sheep but has chosen not to give proper care. There are
photos of children hugging animals with their faces touching the animals in
GPPR’s which is why they must be clean. This is a violation of California Penal
Code 597, not providing proper veterinary and other care (Ref. 2). Also a
violation of the Animal Welfare Act because these are exhibit animals under
USDA permit Cert # 93-C-1163 Cust #502682 (Ref. 3).
b. Goats
The goats' hooves were overgrown
and needed to be trimmed (Photo 3). Violation of CA 597 and AWA.
c. Rabbits
The rabbits' water bottle
was empty. I asked the staff to refill the water bottle. They removed the totally
empty bottle and refilled it (Photo 4). As soon as they did all three rabbits
quickly drank water which means they were dehydrated. Violation of CA 597 and
d. Lack of Zoonotic Disease Control, Handwashing Stations
The item of greatest concern
in the petting zoo and pony rides was the lack of concern for zoonotic
diseases. Zoonotic diseases are passed from animals to humans such as SARS-CoV-2,
plague, West Nile and rabies. Every year children are sickened from touching
animals in petting zoos, pony rides with some children dying (Ref. 4). Petting
zoo animals can carry E. coli, Cryptosporodium, Salmonella, ring worm and more.
Humans can contract the diseases by hand feeding animals, petting animals,
touching the fence rails, sitting on something the animals touched, the ground...
The California Department of
Food and Agriculture offers hand washing information and signs for places such
as county fairs when one would encounter agricultural animals (Ref. 5).
There should be warning
signs at the entrance and exit of the petting zoo along with handwashing
instructions and stations. Everyone who enters the petting zoo or even just
touches the fencing must wash their hands. Children were hugging the sheep with
feces on its coat. They were feeding the animals out of their hands. They were
given brushes to brush the animals. The animals were licking the children.
These same children will walk a few feet away and eat food with their hands.
Many states have Hand Sanitation Laws for animal contact for these reasons
(Ref. 6).
Food, drink, baby pacifiers,
baby bottles, strollers, wagons should not be allowed in the petting zoo area. They
were allowed in that area. Here is a sign from the California Department of
Food and Agriculture (Ref. 7).
The City is exposing itself
to lawsuits from sick and dying children besides harming its public image.
Violation of the Health & Safety Code.
e. Animals in and Near the Food Preparation, Dining Areas
A staff member had two goats
on leashes in the food preparation and dining areas, https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/86411826_3496341357073569_330790903599857664_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=9267fe&_nc_ohc=lIqmN3sHNfwAX85Osm0&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.xx&oh=00_AT9OMY0A5JrIO-XDKRaZB0P1RXXtfK94WNACX1kfetDF-A&oe=62B992B3 . This photo came from the GPPR website.
These people even had a non-service dog. I witnessed the exact same. The three
pony corrals are too close to the multiple food prep and dining areas. Animals
can't be within at least 20 feet at the minimum of food prep or dining areas
per California Food Safety and Health Codes.
Violation of California
Retail Food Code, Sections: 114259, 114259.1, 114259.4, 114259.5 no animals are
allowed in food preparation or dining areas except some service dogs, patrol
dogs and pet dogs in certain situations (Ref. 8). California Civil Service
Code, Section 54.1, 54.25 covers these exceptions (Ref. 9). Weeks has no
experience operating a business which preps and serves food.
The issue is again zoonotic
diseases. Children pet a goat, pony then eat food with their hands which could
transfer disease. It's very possible that many children have already been
sickened but their parents assumed it came from the food and not the animals.
In cases where many people were sickened investigations revealed the exact
cause of the infections and knew it was the petting zoo and not the food.
2. Pony Rides
a. Algae, Scum in Water Troughs
Algae were visible in all of
the horse water troughs, (Photo 5). Violation of 597 for not providing proper
care, not providing potable water.
b. Loud Noises Used to Scare Ponies to Run
The staff members told the
children not to yell or scream at the ponies. Then the staff members ran behind
the ponies and made loud clapping sounds that sounded like a whip being cracked
in order to get the ponies to run. They also yelled and made other loud noises
at the animals. The staff did this every time they wanted the ponies to run.
This is harassment and cruel treatment which is a violation of CA 597. I have
many more videos and photos. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2CA15u9cXI&feature=youtu.be
c. Ponies too Close to Food Preparation, Dining Areas
There are four pony corrals,
one large one which is the main track, one small carousel and two smaller ones
called Party Corrals which are generally rented out for birthday parties, see
GPPR website. https://www.griffithparkponyride.com/birthday-parties They offer the Party
Corrals with cooking area, picnic tables and ponies. Again, animals can't be
within 20 feet of food prep or dining. The animals are directly next to the
food prep and dining areas (Photo 6).
The main corral is within 20
feet of the food prep, dining area of a Party Corral. People were seen eating
and drinking right next to the small carousel. There are two small corrals in
the two Party Corrals which have food prep and dining. I witnessed ponies in
the two Party Corrals. The goats are defecating in the food prep, dining area.
The ponies defecate in the Party Corrals. Violation of Health & Safety
3. Stephen "Steve" Allen Weeks, Los Angeles Pony Rides Inc,
Traditional Equitation School, The Loan Consultants Inc.
Per the 2016 Request for
Proposals For the Operation and Maintenance of the GRIFFITH PARK PONY RIDE
CONCESSION "Mr. Stephen Weeks, owner of Los Angeles Pony Rides, Inc., has
twenty-two (22) years of experience in the horse and pony business. For the
past six (6) years (since 2010), he has owned the Traditional Equitation School
(TES) and developed a pony ride and lesson program serving children as young as
four (4)." This statement does not appear to be true.
Stephen Allen Weeks controls
Los Angeles Pony Rides Inc. an active California corporation # 3867428 (Ref.
10). Weeks is the CEO, CFO, Secretary and Director.
Traditional Equitation
School was a California corporation # 1302280 which was terminated in 2012.
Weeks is not the current owner. He owned it 2010-2017. http://www.traditionaleq.com/home https://www.ridetes.com/ The business claims "TES is the oldest and
largest continually operating horseback riding school in Los Angeles." TES
was established in 1979 at Bell Canyon Equestrian Center in Canoga Park,
California, by Patricia Kinnaman and the late Lilian Van Dahn. TES moved to the
Los Angeles Equestrian Center in 1986. The TES programs did not change from the
ownership by Kinnaman to Weeks. They offered horses and no ponies to children.
The minimum age was six not four. http://web.archive.org/web/20140315000000*/traditionaleq.com In 2017 it was sold to Tori
English a movie editor. In a 2020 lawsuit an employee claimed the horses were
unfit and unsafe to ride. Weeks history appears to include owning and breeding
race horses.
Stephen Weeks owns The Loan
Consultants Inc https://loanconsultants.com/ California corporation
1163479 which was suspended by FTB. The business claims to be "The Oldest
and Largest Loan Affiliate Program in the World." They offer a two day
class to become a loan broker for about $13,800. They don't bother to tell
students you actually need a license. Based on the complaints I personally
believe the school is akin to Trump University.
Weeks stated he was the
founder of Sterling Bank of Beverly Hills. That does not match up with records.
Earlier when he ran for political office he stated he was merely a shareholder.
Weeks stated he ran two other “successful” finance corporations, Weeks &
Associates, Century Capital Corp. Century is suspended. I can find no
Department of Real Estate licenses for Weeks or his businesses. You need a
license to be a loan agent.
Issues of greatest concern
are the multiple personal injury lawsuits against Los Angeles Pony Rides,
Griffith Park Pony Rides (under Weeks) and Traditional Equitation School. It
appears children were injured and sued the companies. The Defendants appear to
have settled then the Plaintiffs dismissed the cases which is normal protocol
in PI cases. The Loan Consultants and Stephen Weeks were also sued. There is a
restraining order granted against a Stephen A. Weeks which I believe is Weeks.
I will be going to the courthouse to get the full record to be certain as it’s
not available online unlike the others. Below are a few of those cases taken
from Los Angeles County Superior Court http://lacourt.org .
WEEKS STEPHEN A. Civil Harassment (Unlimited) 06/20/2012 Michael
D. Antonovich Antelope Valley Courthouse Case
Plaintiff Navarro got a restraining order on a Stephen A Weeks.
LOAN CONSULTANTS INC ET AL 2009 Wrongful Termination.
WEEKS STEPHEN A. Other Compl-not Tort or Complex
(Unlimited) 03/07/1996 Stanley Mosk Courthouse Case
Number: BC145770 ENRICO P. TUVERA, ET AL
(Limited) 08/12/2019 Spring Street Courthouse Case
Other Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (Limited Jurisdiction)
Case Number: 20STCV13934. A seven year
old girl who’d never ridden a pony or horse previously was riding a fast pony
in the Griffith Park corral on her birthday. The corral fence collapsed which
startled the pony causing the pony to rear up and the girl fell off. Her foot
was stuck in the stirrup so she was dragged upside down around the track on the
ground while the pony continued to run. The staff had to chase down the pony
then they took a while to get her untangled from the pony while she screamed.
Witnesses were also screaming. Case was settled. I can provide a copy of the
complaint, answer and settlement order.
SCHOOL Other Employment Complaint
Case (Unlimited) 04/09/2020 Stanley Mosk Courthouse 26 Case #20STCV13934 TES is
allegedly the DBA for Tori’s Equitation School who is Victoria English. They
board horses, give riding lessons. Employee Kelly Fielding sued for multiple
labor law violations. I can provide a copy of the complaint and answer.
SCHOOL Other Personal
Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (Unlimited) 07/19/2006 Burbank
SCHOOL Other PI/PD/WD (Unlimited) 07/19/2006 Glendale
SCHOOL Other Personal
Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (Unlimited) 02/17/2004 Stanley
Mosk Courthouse
SCHOOL Other PI/PD/WD (Unlimited) 02/17/2004 Burbank
(Unlimited) 04/28/1995 Burbank Courthouse
SCHOOL Other PI/PD/WD (Unlimited) 05/15/1991 Burbank
Some of the lawsuits against
TES may be from before or after Stephen Weeks owned the business.
Weeks has a history in Los
Angeles. He ran for City Controller in 1981 against James Hahn and lost by a
wide margin. He ran for County Tax Assessor in 1982 and again lost. During
those campaigns he made false accusations against his opponents. Recently Steve
Weeks posted on Facebook “These militant animal rights protesters are lying to
the public about the welfare of our ponies to promote their own agenda of
eliminating horse ownership.” “These are militant protesters, many of which are
being paid to picket us.” “The Park Rangers and LAPD often cite and arrest
these people.” “ALL HORSE OWNERS in Los Angeles County face an imminent threat.
A small group of the most radical animal rights activists are picketing and
protesting weekly at the pony rides. They belive that to own or ride a horse is
slavery. That no horse should be owned or ridden.” “The pony rides are just the protesters first step. They could
soon be at any training barn or boarding facility trying to ban even private
horse ownership and riding.”
The protesters are not being
paid. They aren’t trying to eliminate horse ownership or horse riding. Weeks is
clearly trying to incite horse owners against protesters for his own business
agenda of making money.
Based on my inspection and
research I don't believe that Stephen Weeks is the best candidate to run the
Griffith Park Pony Rides and Petting Zoo. He has not been honest with the
Commission. I feel there are other activities that could be offered in the park
which would not be cruel to animals, would not be a danger to public health and
safety, would not harm the City’s public image, would be more beneficial to
children and the citizens of Los Angeles while still providing income to the
Mary Cummins
Mary at AnimalAdvocates.us
Animal Advocates Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
cc: County of Los Angeles
Public Health
USDA Inspector for Petting Zoo permit
California Department of Food and Agriculture
michael.a.shull@lacity.org, matthew.rudnick@lacity.org,
rachel.ramos@lacity.org, paul.koretz@lacity.org, contactcd4@lacity.org,
councilmember.blumenfield@lacity.org, councilmember.krekorian@lacity.org,
councilmember.buscaino@lacity.org, councilmember.kevindeleon@lacity.org, councilmember.lee@lacity.org, councilmember.bonin@lacity.org, councilmember.harris-dawson@lacity.org, rap.commissioners@lacity.org
Curriculum Vitae Mary Cummins http://animaladvocates.us/Mary%20Cummins%20Animal%20Advocates%20resume%20curriculum%20vitae.pdf
CA Penal Code 597 https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PEN§ionNum=597
Animal Welfare Act
Articles: Children and Diseases from Petting
2019 Child Dies from San Diego County Fair Animal https://www.latimes.com/socal/daily-pilot/news/tn-dpt-me-oc-fair-hand-washing-safety-20190701-story.html
Food Safety News, The Petting Zoo Problem https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2012/11/the-petting-zoo-problem/
CDC: Stay Healthy at Animal Exhibits https://www.cdc.gov/healthypets/specific-groups/stay-healthy-animal-exhibits.html
Can People Get Sick from Going to Petting Zoos? Yes. https://www.wormsandgermsblog.com/files/2008/04/JSW-MA2-Pet-Zoo1.pdf
WebMD: Kids & Petting Zoos https://www.webmd.com/baby/features/kids-petting-zoos
California Department of Food & Agriculture,
Animals and Human Safety
Center for Disease Control, Animal Sanitation
https://www.cdc.gov/phlp/docs/menu-animalsanition.pdf https://www.cdc.gov/healthypets/specific-groups/stay-healthy-animal-exhibits.html
California Department of Food & Agriculture,
Animal Fairs, Handwashing Signs
California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114259
California Civil Service Code, Section 54.1
California Corporation Search
See pdf above
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